able capable competent qualified mean having power or fitness for work.
mean having power or fitness for work. 有力量或适于工作
able suggests ability above the average as revealed in actual performance. ant inept ,unable
proved that she is an able Shakespearean actress. 她以证明是一个合适的莎剧演员
capable stresses the having of qualities fitting one for work but does not imply outstanding ability ant incapable
competent and qualified imply having the experience or training for adequate performance
seek help from a qualified medical professional . 向专业的医学专家寻求帮助。
每日英语:每天一句暖心话每日英语: 我越是孤独,越是没有朋友,越是没有支持,我就得越尊重我自己。
The more I am lonely, the more I have no friends, the more I do not support, I have to respect myself.