
作者: 鱼目逗珠 | 来源:发表于2019-02-08 10:12 被阅读3次


Te Ching Chapter Sixty-seven

The whole world says the Tao that I have attained is so great that It seems unreal.

Because It is indeed so great, thus It seemed unreal.

If It were real, It would have been insignificantly small.

I have Three Treasures that I hold and guard.

The first is Kindness.

The second is Moderation.

The third is Humbleness(shrinking from taking precedence of others.).

With Kindness, one can be courageous.

With moderation, one can be generous.

With Humbleness, one can be the lead to provide guidance.

Now, if one abandons kindness and yet tries to be courageous,

If one abandons moderation and yet tries to be generous.

If one abandons humbleness and yet tries to lead as guidance,

He is doomed to perish.

One who fights a battle with kindness shall win.

One who keeps guard with kindness shall secure.

Even the great nature shall save him and protect him with kindness.


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