location:camp char dham in guptakashi
Real day of up early.
Get up 3am for a very free flow vipassana, was waiting for time from 12pm onwards, it is cold but luxury tent is so quite and dark! Was so happy with “hot”(not too freezing) water and pack overnight light bag! 在帐篷里ashtanga第一次,喜欢第一次,Stephanie还在睡觉,我开始瑜伽,她放一个小的shiva面前,很有氛围,但感觉晕乎乎,地毯很软,海拔也有关系。
Did not have hot water in whole week in rishikesh! Which is price being solitude! Not sick , not yet! 在ashram我一周没有热水,也没有问别人,临走才知道要打开一个阀门,喜欢独来独往的代价,我也ok,Sara也没有投诉。
Got 4 masala tea and group is in good spirit! 晨起canteen里喝了热茶,大家都很兴奋,因为不知道什么等待着我们。
Russian girl making great muesli and videoKiki很漂亮的俄罗斯女孩,旁若无人做她的coconut muesli,拍照摄像打扰服务生,一副无所谓样子;男人们都一起聊天:guys together! I am always alone with myself! So excited and look forward!
Last night we arrived at 7.30 and being told I was not in camp nivana only 200 meters away so carried all my stuff walked to car being taking to another camp when open up camp 24 it is Stephanie !因为Margaret没来,我到了一个camp,被告知不是,拖着行李说去另一个,只有200米,胡扯,车开出去10分钟至少,到了发现是Stephenie,新西兰瑜伽老师,比较有缘。
It is fuel smell in camp and pollution we see anywhere in Himalayas so far!到处都是污染,即使喜马拉雅。
我的路上伴侣是diniela,来自罗马尼亚为政府工作,看到我简单衣物,说“u totally Not prepared for cold!" 她希望study yoga Doctor degree in 2 years when to retire,认为罗马尼亚Government is not doing good job with corruption;Worked in New York 2 years studied Sanskrit half year and daughter into nutrition not coming back to her own country for sure!曾经去过Bihar school of yoga学习Satyananda:
可以看Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit ,厉害!
Satyananda Yoga is a system of yoga developed by Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati and his lineage, which incorporates practices derived from ancient and traditional sources. Satyananda Yoga uses practices in a traditional way, asanas (postures) to balance the body and mind through the physical body, pranayama (breathing practices) to work on the energy body (equated with Ki or Chi in other systems), and meditation to calm and focus the mind. It also takes a broader outlook by teaching and encouraging yogic lifestyles, not only for renunciates but also for householders and lay practitioners.
To this end Satyananda Yoga adopts the attitudes of Jnana Yoga (the path of knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (the path of heart and emotion), Karma Yoga (the path of service) and other yogas which enable the practitioner to frame all aspects of their lives in a way which is conducive to spiritual growth.
话说Yatra is never easy bumping road 从rishikesh from 9am to 7.30, funky toilet and smoky all along , sitting long hour,我在最后一排,和Karen聊天,她是Margaret朋友, 73 years old 5th Yatra,真是我妈的榜样,回去告诉她,介 Lara with three shalas in Kentucky, 不为盈利,都是兴趣和帮助很多人练习和教孩子,inspiration for all!;the rough drive is not for car sick people. 今天又是Now after 40 mts car ready to walk but in bus stop and go! That is Yatra!7.15 arrive for jeep,一段混乱没人组织jeep,我号召10个人一起走,因为是第一个登记的,找到一个还可以用的toilet,结果大队人马到了之后又是等待,所有人都要登记,我看到一个无限长的队伍,我们就先jeep 走了,到了之后,美国人又说等所有人到了才可以上去,我走了一圈发现很安全,没有任何意义等待,就和D一起开始上去,和几个人说了一下,忽略不满的目光。
A lot of road collapses, village people like to sweep but many trash on road到处都是垃圾。
M特别骄傲印度军队工作的好待遇;有degree才可以申请工作,一辈子保证福利很好,高人一等,可以到处trekking , paid by the army! 孩子教育也是军队学校。
一直夸自己老板的德才和关爱: Team Head 是个医生,之后介绍我们一起认识,美国UCLA和伦敦都学习过,非常mild spoken的绅士!而且攀登过珠峰。
一起聊天使得旅程容易些,但一步一步,酸痛是真实的,但来了就应该走上去,yatra必须不容易,一路很多人都骑着mull,到处mull排泄物,每次去洗手间需要大勇气,出发时感觉身体一团气流,到了中午变成石头,下午就在胯部和腿上,景色类似瑞士雪山,但larger scale,而且破房子和人设太不一样!沿途人为环境都是脏乱差,自然景观恨赞。
2点到就找dormitory,我选的号码17号宿舍,10几个人share,结果没有水,我开始走了几圈发现大家开始睡觉?奇怪为啥需要休息?要么都去了temple,就拖着疲惫双腿一路奔,结果temple不开门,就又回到大本营所在地,此时身体已经开始一阵阵发冷,由内而外由外而内,里里外外,开始一杯杯喝chai,Eddie买单,对他很有好感,犹如当年见到Morgan一样感受,他说自己teenager就有spiritual quest,之后接触瑜伽,一教就是30年,每年组织conference on nerve system,science和瑜伽关系,我马上说我们可以支持和配合!尤其Riccardo是neuroscientist:lowcase tittle和reality开始啦!Eddie 说自己一直在学习,和很多人交流每天都在学习!是Jewish practice Hinduism 太太是christian但更倾向于budhlism我对他太太很有好感,一直温和微笑在边上!
我们6.30开始Aarti,第三次进去,椎骨凉,我都奇怪自己没崩溃,氛围非常虔诚,之后就一路小跑回到main camp,晚餐地方也不暖和,但吃了一些starch给自己能量,开始和一群女人一起烤火,这是当地人唯一取暖方式,烟熏得我睁不开眼,但很开心,湿透袜子和临时买的手套干了,Alex来自瑞士,我很喜欢她非常干净纯净样子,一个Michigan女人病的厉害,给了她probiotics,她一副颐指气使样子,Alex要给她取行李,我们base camp离main camp蛮远的,我就自告奋勇和alex一起回去,路上看到两边山脉狠漆黑气势庞大,还是很吓人的,但alex特别要帮助别人的心感动了我,我们就准备汇合后再上去,回到dormitory,我问大家谁可以借我暖和衣服,竟然没人应声,因为房间里也非常冷,Jill很好心说她替代我上去,我盖上厚厚的被,非常担心没有水的处境,也无法入睡,就开始打坐,听到jill回来她又出去打水,还有女士说另一个toilet有老鼠,我看了一眼也无所谓,但几乎一夜无眠,太冷了。