2017, a friend has a little male orange cat, jumping up and down happily every day. Made his own game. He had a favorite place; it’s a high coffee table at sofa side. There are two piles of books on top of that, he liked to lie on top of that, take a nap, or look around.
2017年,朋友家有只小公猫 ,橘色 ,每天快乐地跳上跳下 做自己的游戏。它有一个最喜欢的地方,是朋友家沙发边的高高的茶几 ,上面有两堆朋友的书 ,它喜欢趴在上面打盹 ,或者看四周。
2050, there was a huge starship landed on the earth, the alien came out with technology several centuries advanced to the earth, instantly the earth was fallen into Alien’s rule. Fortunately, the aliens are not cruel, they treated human beings, more human than human kind … There’s no more killing, no more natural disasters, no pollution, and they even cure almost all human diseases, human life expectancy to around 150 years old.
There’s only one thing those aliens want from the earth, "the leaves of the plane tree", Yes, those plane trees (or in some places it is called parasol tree or Lodon plane trees) you will find those trees at Shanghai Fuxing Road or Ave Champs-Élysées in Paris, or many other cities, very common, it is said that chewing the leaves will comfort Aliens, get them happy and eliminate their loneliness. The plane trees began to grow more and more on the earth...
One day, the time was coming, like all the pets in city, friend brought him to the hospital, made a small operation (castrated). You will not be able to keep the cat at home if you don’t do that surgery. Surgery was completed, the orange cat came back, and everyone can see the sadness in his eyes, unhappiness from the hurt of both physical and psychological. The cat didn’t want to drink and eat. He walked around at the familiar places at home, after much hesitation, finally, he jumped onto the favorite book piles, the books piles on the coffee table...But, everything is changed….those joy, Leisure, didn’t come back......
有一天,时间到了,就像所有家养的猫那样,朋友把它带去了医院,做了一个小手术 (阉割了),因为不做这个手术,家里是养不住它的。 手术完毕,它回来了,幽怨的眼神,闷闷不乐 ,身体加心理的不愉快。它不想喝水,不想吃肉。猫在家里熟悉的地方走来走去, 想来想去,终于,它跳上了这个最喜欢的书堆... 然而一切都变了.. 那时候的愉快 ,闲适, 都回不来了......
One day, aliens announced that without natural disasters or wars, as the number of human beings has reached an unimaginable figure. Planting areas of rice, wheat, corn has been repeatedly expanded. That made the national planning of plane tree farm greatly decreased, in order to ensure that amount of human being can be maintained stable, from now on all human being females have to accept a "God’s selection", every 100 females, only 3 who get the lucky draw can get birth, twice in her life time, all the other women will lose fertility in a sudden, in a painless technology, Human beings cannot resist, unable to resist, accepted the draw, but all the people, including men, including the woman who get the lucky draw, began to become depressed.
A friend of that friend asked him, "Do you feel guilty when you sent the cat to do this surgery?" Friend replied: "he would wander outside, will be injured, will be hungry, will be sick, will be sun and rain without a shelter, maybe you think it’s more right to let him live in free life, but in fact it is also very cruel. And as a home pet, if he does not touch the outside world, then my home is his home, my home is his world, I was his loved one." He confidently replied, "And as far as I know, the owner of cats and dogs of all the civilized cities all do that, otherwise the cats will run out, will make lots of kitty cats, which will bring lots of problems to the city."
朋友的朋友问他,“你把猫咪送去做这个手术,你不觉得难过吗?” 朋友回答:“在外它会流浪 会受伤,会饥饿,会生病,会日晒雨淋,也许你觉得更应该是让他们的自由生活,但其实这也很残忍。 而作为一只家养的猫,如果它没有接触的外界,那我的家就是它的家,我的世界就是它的世界,我就是它的亲人。” 他信心十足地答道,“而且据我所知,所有的文明城市的猫狗主人都是这样做的呀,否则猫会跑出去,生育很多小猫,给城市人类带来问题。”
The sadness of Human being gradually became a major problem on harmonious earth. Fortunately alien technology was very strong. One day, all of the sudden, everyone saw a big white flash; everyone suddenly forgot this birth right thing in their memory. Everyone has become happy again. Only a few people will feel a little depressed when they read this old story from ancient books.
The green leaves of the plane trees sway with the wind, blue sky, white clouds; you can hear whisper of birds and enjoy the nice smell of flowers, human beings and aliens happy to live together.
After a few days, maybe a week, the orange cat seems to forget this, eat more and more, and also enjoy eating. He was back naughty again as his past time. But friend said, sometimes when he watched him sitting next to the window, eyes against these plane trees at the road side, he always felt the cat was not the original orange cat.