" Hello , dear , can you hear me ? "
" Yes , I can ."
“ How are you , recently ? " 长腿叔叔的声音依旧那么迷人,深沉而有味道,仿佛隔着电话你都能闻到他身上那股来自香榭丽大街的清新香水,可以感受到他似乎要张开双臂紧紧将你拥抱,刚刚好的体温能融化你心中所有的郁结与烦闷。然而,无可厚非的是他确实整整一个星期没有主动联系过霍芷姚,而霍芷姚却刚好也是一个绝不会主动联系情人的情人。
“ No , I am not very good . And I think you are disappear ."
" Sorry , Jasmine , I am a bad guy ."
" Yes , you are really bad , you didn't contact me almost one week !"
" Dear , I have told you , my family came back to China , I think you can understand me , and during this time ,you also didn't contact me ,I think you are the most clever lady ."
" Come on , David , please do not find some excuse for yourself ok ? I know maybe you were very tired after your flying ,and I also know , you need to stay with your family members , but for this week ,you even didn't send 'good morning' or 'good evening' to me .Could you tell me , you didn't have enough time , you were so tired , so , so , so you even didn't have 10 seconds ? "
他们之间的话题自然是很广泛的,他们一起畅聊宇宙,奇点,时间,空间,名川大山,饮食差异,飞行趣事,许许多多。宏观的时候谈谈古巴比伦文明与古埃及文明对现代的影响,微观的时候谈谈中国养生医疗中艾灸到底为什么这么富有奇效,正紧的时候聊聊BBC的头条社会热点 , 不正经的时候聊聊夫妻性生活到底怎么才算到达最理想的高潮状态。他们聊过外太空可能的形态,还聊过,在西伯利亚有一种鹿十分优雅,它的鹿角被割了之后还会继续生长出来…
而这些,穆岩的脑细胞是万万都想不到的,从认识到现在,穆岩从来没有送过一朵花,他是极其务实的一个男人,没有甜言蜜语,没有沟通交流,彼此在工作领域上埋着头成就着自己的目标。穆岩不知道如果霍芷姚哭了应该怎么安慰,他总是说“不要哭了,多没意思,哭又解决不了事情。”而长腿叔叔则会一把将霍芷姚拥入怀中,告诉她“ Follow your heart , my baby, just cry,and do your best to cry . I am here , beside you and keep with you ." 穆岩也特别不喜欢表扬和赞美霍芷姚,虽然他知道,事实上自己的老婆真的很优秀,不仅长得别很多人都好看,而且还聪明,跟着自己受了这么多挫折还始终为家庭付出着,但是,自己就是不喜欢开口表扬,自己也不知道为何。
霍芷姚在自己的日记本里曾经写道:“ 我和David , 我想我们注定会背叛婚姻走向苟且,因为我享受这种被爱的感觉,享受这种被捧在手心,被重视,被宝贝的感觉。我承认,我就是这样一个虚荣的,想被呵护的女人。或许,未来的某一天,全世界都会骂我,但是,眼下,请让我背着全世界,沉浸在满满的爱里。哪怕下一秒,就是生命的终结。”
" Jasmine , My dear , I think you know me . I should know me ,you always know me ,right ? "
" No ,I can't , I am very angry . I think you can just spend little time ,you can tell me ,you need to solve some problems , I can understand you but you need to tell me advance , this is ' respect '. "
" ... Jasmine ,I am so sorry , I think I hurt your heart .But ... But ... Can you give me a chance to explain myself , please ? "
"No ,I don't , I don't want to hear you anymore ,and I don't want to see you again." 霍芷姚本能地开始撒起了娇。
" Really , this is truth ? You told me , you will never lie to me , never . so I know , you can hear me ."
" Ok , just one chance , just one ."
" Ok ,just one .Let me think ,how to begin . My dear ,do you know the reason why I loved you ? It is not because your young age , your beautiful face and shape , the most important is your soul . I think you are different from other women who like shopping ,eating and sleeping when they are free . You like studying ,like drawing ,like writing ,like so many good things .They improved you better and better .
Yes , I can spend time to send you 'good morning ' or ' good evening ' but meaningless . Do you know ? I need to say this to my wife every day .But you are not my wife , you are my angle . I don't want to have another wife ,and I think this is boring. So I hope the relation between us is ' freedom ' . Can you understand ? "
“ But I don't have experience on how to be a good lover , I need you ,I want to talk with you , but I am afraid if proper for you to see message when you stay with your family ,so I hope you can told me . But now , I know . really ,I know ."
" Jasmine , listen to me .I don't need you to change ,you are good enough .You don't need to be a good lover , the best angle is you ,just be yourself , you are my favorite . Trust me ! "
" I don't trust you , but I feel happy now . Could you tell me ,when I can see you ,I hope to see you soon ."
" I don't have duty fly to Liaolian recently . If I get the schedule ,I will tell you as soon as possible .Keep happy and remember this feeling until when I see you . Dear , I need to fly soon , talk you later ,ok? "
" Of cause .Wish you have a nice flight .And you can keep your disappear , I know you better now ."
" My angle , want to see you right now ! "
" Ok .I know . See you ! "
" Ok, see you ."
但,为何要瘦白要修长 ?说好了的,做自己就好了。
手机又自动切换到了单曲循环着的《 On a Slow Boat to China 》…