【Vicky's Food】端午节粽子 Zongzi i

【Vicky's Food】端午节粽子 Zongzi i

作者: 冰冰的小城堡 | 来源:发表于2019-06-13 08:46 被阅读64次



    In order to avoid congestion in scenic spots or stuck in the highways, this vacation I chose to stay at home to watch TV series and write some articles or have dinner with friends nearby. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, according to the traditional custom of residents in Hangzhou, we get used to making Zongzi, hanging on the wormwood, watching the dragon boats and drinking realgar wine.

    I am not at home this time, so I found out the photos I took last year to share with you. If you are interested in making this kind of traditional food, you can follow the steps as I wrote in this post.



    glutinous rice, reed leaves, streaky pork, edible oil, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white sugar, five-spice powder, paprika powder, cooking wine


    1. 粽叶浸泡后剪掉不需要的部分然后清洗干净,放入锅里加盐煮10分钟(棉线也可以同时放进去消毒);

    2. 将糯米洗干净后浸泡两小时,之后沥干水并加入少许油和盐拌匀备用;

    3. 将五花肉切成大块,用生抽、老抽、料酒、白糖、花椒粉和少量五香粉提前腌制一晚入味;

    4. 把粽叶卷起来,按照糯米——五花肉——糯米的顺序铺上去,最后按自己喜欢的方式和形状包起来;

    5. 全部包好后放入大锅中,加入没过粽子的冷水,大火烧开后转小火煮约半个小时左右;

    6. 搞定!


    1. After soaking the reed leaves, you should cut off the unnecessary parts and clean them up. Then you can put the reed leaves and cotton thread into the pot with water and salt to cook for nearly 10 minutes;

    2. Soak the glutinous rice for 2 hours. After this, you should make sure the water is drained from the glutinous rice. Add some edible oil and salt, then stir them together;

    3. Cut the streaky pork into chunks and marinated it overnight in advance with light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white sugar, five-spice powder, paprika powder and cooking wine;

    4. Roll up the reed leaves, filling them in the order of glutinous rice - streaky pork - glutinous rice, and wrap them in the way as you like;

    5. After all the staffs have been finished, you should add some cold water above the Zongzi into the pot. When the water is boiling, turn the fire to the lower level and keeping cooking them for about half an hour;

    6. Done!





    When you're cooking the Zongzi, you can adjust the time due to the amount as well as the size of them. Make sure them've cooked once, or that would be troublesome when you eat them.

    Let's try to make this kind of traditional food!





        本文标题:【Vicky's Food】端午节粽子 Zongzi i
