第四篇 经济改革类
快速发展旅游业fast development of tourism
地区差异 regional disparity
经济利益financial interests
风险投资risk investment
假冒产品fake products
暴富make rich overnight
卡奴card sl ave
假日旅游traveling on holidays
打折on discount
就业与失业employment and unemployment
住房问题housing problems
城市交通问题urban traffic problems
可持续发展sustainable development
虚假广告the issue of false Ads
小康社会a well-to-do society
人民生活people's livelihood
生活质量quality of life
住房条件housing conditions
文化程度educational level
就业率employment rate
人均收入average income per capita
年平均工资average annual pay
奖金 bonus
生活费用cost of living
消费价格指数consumer price index
环境污染指数environment pollution index
衣食住行food,clothing,sheltering and means of traveling
购买力purchasing power
贫困家庭the needy family
贫困地区poverty-stricken region
下岗be laid off
小康relative affluence
安居乐业live a good life
共同富裕shared prosperity
社会保险social insurance
赈灾救济金disaster relief funds
人口分布population distribution
流动人口transient population
城市人口urban population
农业人口agriculture population
出生率birth rate
自然生长率natural growth rate
负增长率negative growth rate
户口册household register
计划生育family planning
优生优育ensure good prenatal and postnatal care
自治区autonomous region
民族ethnic groups
少数民族ethnic minorities
第五篇 科技类
网络世界cyber world
网络文化cyber culture
网络犯罪cyber crime
网上购物online shopping
高产优质high yield and highquality