

作者: Me极客 | 来源:发表于2019-04-02 14:18 被阅读4次

第一财经日报CBN China Business News

过路过桥费用 tolls on highways and bridges


intensify poverty alleviation in areas of extreme poverty like the "three regions and three prefectures


areas of extreme poverty


the "three regions and three prefectures"

三区三州的“三区”是指西藏、新疆南疆四地州和四省藏区;“三州”是指甘肃的临夏州、 四川的凉山州和云南的怒江州,是国家层面的深度贫困地区。

The "three regions" refers to Tibet, four prefectures of southern Xinjiang-Hotan, Aksu, Kashi, and the Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture of Kizilsu, and the areas of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces with large Tibetan populations; the "three prefectures" are Liangshan in Sichuan, Nujiang in Yunnan, and Linxia in Gansu.

高山溜索(Ziptreck)Zip-line tours

溜索 slide along steel wire; cross the river by pulley; rope gliding; cable gliding; tightrope gliding; glide along steel cable across the river; zip line across the river

to aerial ropeslide across the river

to cross the river by a flying fox

西部边远地区的“溜索改桥”的建设任务 replace ziplines/ropeways with bridges in remote western regions of China 

建制村通了硬化路 administrative villages have tarmac and cement roads

建制村也通了客车 have access to bus services

许多贫困地区几代人“出门硬化路、抬脚上客车”的梦想逐步变为现实 we have made a reality the dream of accessing tarmac or cement roads and bus services at doorsteps cherished by several generations in poor areas

“资源路”“旅游路”“产业路” roads for resource development, tourism development and industrial development


Transport drives a region’s industrial development and enriches people there.

定点扶贫fixed-point poverty alleviation /poverty reduction work in some key poverty-stricken counties的四县,对口支援partner assistance /pairing assistance的江西安远县,牵头联系take the lead in coordinating efforts的六盘山片区也提前实现了具备条件well-positioned的乡镇和建制村100%的通硬化路

贫困发生率 poverty incidence

国家铁路网、国家高速公路网对外骨干通道建设the construction of international trunk passageways

“畅返不畅”路段的整治改造 overhaul road sections that have seen gridlocks again

改善贫困地区的渡运条件improve transport in …,继续做好定点扶贫fixed-point p.a.、对口支援partner/pairing assistance和联系片区contact area的相关扶贫工作

过江通道建设和通道空间布局 cross-river passageway construction and spatial planning

长江黄金水道the golden waterway in the Yangtze River

12.5米深水航道 the 12.5 m deepwater navigation channel in Yangtze estuary

推动大宗货物向铁路、水路运输转移 ship bulk goods mainly by rail and water

发展江海直达direct transport between river and sea、铁水联运rail-water inter-model transportation、多式联运multi-modal transport等先进运输组织模式

推动旅客联程运输发展Multi-Modal Passenger Transportation;

旅客联程运输(简称旅客联运)intermodal passenger transport 通过两种或两种以上运输 方式完成的旅客连续运输

提升交通运输数字化水平 make transport more digitized和运输装备的标准化、智能化水平 make transport equipment more standardized and smarter

推进北斗卫星导航系统在长江航运应用全覆盖 work to ensure Yangtze River navigation is fully covered by the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System

促进资源节约集约和循环利用encourage the economical and intensive use of resources and their recycling

推动废旧材料循环利用materials recycling和疏浚土综合利用 the comprehensive use of dredged soil 

明确安全责任主体和监管责任identify those who are responsible for workplace safety and those who are responsible for oversight and regulation,建立全链条协同监管 exercise joint supervision during the whole process

落实好平安交通promote safe transport/ improve transport safety三年攻坚行动等各类专项行动

推进巡航搜救一体化建设push for the integration of patrol and search and rescue missions

加快机场和临空经济区airport economic zone建设

建立预付资金备付金Deposit Reservation for Balance制度,对备付金的比例和预付资金的支出范围也做出了明确的限定

企业不得随意挪用押金 be banned from any misuse of users’ deposits

退回押金的期限 deadlines set for returning/refunding deposits

押金的上限 deposits are capped at …

政府要提供公平的准入、公正的监管 equitable access and impartial/fair supervision


Roads are countless,but safety is foremost. Unregulated driving will cause loved ones to end up in tears.

应急指挥中心 emergency command center

坐在值班室进行调度指挥 control and command and coordination

派人登船,安抚乘客情绪pacify sb.,组织运送食品上船

随时关注动态 closely follow developments

遇险船舶 Ship in Distress

围绕推进海上救助保障体系建设进行建言咨政 provide input

建言是给予建议的言论,咨政就是“ 谋与国政” 、“ 过问国政” 的意思。总的意思是对于政务给予建议和意见。

建成了蒙内铁路Mombasa-Nairobi Railway、亚吉铁路Addisababa Djibouti Railway等境外铁路

同江铁路桥、黑河公路桥China-Russia Tongjiang Railway Bridge (also known as the Amur International Rail Bridge) and the highway bridge in Heihe, Heilongjiang Province

希腊比雷埃夫斯港Piraeus、斯里兰卡汉班托塔港Hambantota Port、巴基斯坦瓜达尔港Gwadar Port

实现中欧班列出口运邮常态化运作 Parcels and packages are transported by post from China to Europe via China-Europe freight train services on a regular basis. 

畅通信息通道 provide unimpeded information channel



