如何构建SNPs-based phylogenetic tree

作者: lakeseafly | 来源:发表于2018-09-23 21:18 被阅读59次

    如果根据SNP或者Indel 构建其系统进化树,可以展示群体中不同个体的相互关系,基因变异相似的往往会在同一个树的cluster中,一颗好的树可以给你一个群体大概的分类(你这个群体中有多少个cluster,一般同一个亚种或者有亲缘关系的个体会形成一个cluster),这是群体遗传中重要的一部分。其构建的核心原理就是把每个位点SNPs的信息提取,然后计算每个变异位点的差异得到算法中的“距离”。


    这个时候你需要首先对你raw SNP calling的结果进行初步的过滤。

    Filtering the raw SNPs vcf file


    only include SNPs with MAF >= 0.05 and include only SNPs with a 90% genotyping rate (10% missing) use

    ~/biosoft/plink --vcf All_Gm_combine.vcf --maf 0.05 --geno 0.1 --recode  vcf-iid --out All_test_11 --allow-extra-chr



    --indep-pairphase [window size]<kb> [step size (variant ct)] [r^2 threshold]

    ~/biosoft/plink --vcf All_test_11.vcf  --allow-extra-chr--indep-pairwise 50 10 0.2 --out test_12
    ~/biosoft/plink --allow-extra-chr --extract test_12.prune.in --make-bed --out test_12.prune.in --recode vcf-iid --vcf All_edit_Gm_tab.vcf


    Methods 1 Megax

    Mega是一款很经典的构树软件,重比对到建树,还有各种不同参数的选择都做的不错。而且它还支持各种平台有user interface的版本和命令行的版本,方便我们去使用。



    首先将vcf 格式转成phylip格式

    Transferrring the format into phylip

    python2 vcf2phylip.py -i All_edit_Gm_tab.vcf

    用到的 Script:

    The script converts a collection of SNPs in VCF format into a PHYLIP, FASTA, 
    NEXUS, or binary NEXUS file for phylogenetic analysis. The code is optimized
    to process VCF files with sizes >1GB. For small VCF files the algorithm slows
    down as the number of taxa increases (but is still fast).
    __author__      = "Edgardo M. Ortiz"
    __credits__     = "Juan D. Palacio-Mejía"
    __version__     = "1.5"
    __email__       = "e.ortiz.v@gmail.com"
    __date__        = "2018-04-24"
    import sys
    import os
    import argparse
    def main():
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Converts SNPs in VCF format into an alignment for phylogenetic analysis")
        parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", action="store", dest="filename", required=True,
            help="Name of the input VCF file")
        parser.add_argument("-m", "--min-samples-locus", action="store", dest="min_samples_locus", type=int, default=4,
            help="Minimum of samples required to be present at a locus, default=4 since is the minimum for phylogenetics.")
        parser.add_argument("-o", "--outgroup", action="store", dest="outgroup", default="",
            help="Name of the outgroup in the matrix. Sequence will be written as first taxon in the alignment.")
        parser.add_argument("-p", "--phylip-disable", action="store_true", dest="phylipdisable", default=False,
            help="A PHYLIP matrix is written by default unless you enable this flag")
        parser.add_argument("-f", "--fasta", action="store_true", dest="fasta", default=False,
            help="Write a FASTA matrix, disabled by default")
        parser.add_argument("-n", "--nexus", action="store_true", dest="nexus", default=False,
            help="Write a NEXUS matrix, disabled by default")
        parser.add_argument("-b", "--nexus-binary", action="store_true", dest="nexusbin", default=False,
            help="Write a binary NEXUS matrix for analysis of biallelic SNPs in SNAPP, disabled by default")
        args = parser.parse_args()
        filename = args.filename
        min_samples_locus = args.min_samples_locus
        outgroup = args.outgroup
        phylipdisable = args.phylipdisable
        fasta = args.fasta
        nexus = args.nexus
        nexusbin = args.nexusbin
        # Dictionary of IUPAC ambiguities for nucleotides
        # '*' means deletion for GATK (and other software?)
        # Deletions are ignored when making the consensus
        amb = {("A","A"):"A",
        # Dictionary for translating biallelic SNPs into SNAPP
        # 0 is homozygous reference
        # 1 is heterozygous
        # 2 is homozygous alternative
        gen_bin = {"./.":"?",
        # Process header of VCF file
        with open(filename) as vcf:
            # Create a list to store sample names
            sample_names = []
            # Keep track of longest sequence name for padding with spaces in the output file
            len_longest_name = 0
            # Look for the line in the VCF header with the sample names
            for line in vcf:
                if line.startswith("#CHROM"):
                    # Split line into fields
                    broken = line.strip("\n").split("\t")
                    # If the minimum-samples-per-locus parameter is larger than the number of
                    # species in the alignment make it the same as the number of species
                    if min_samples_locus > len(broken[9:]):
                        min_samples_locus = len(broken[9:])
                    # Create a list of sample names and the keep track of the longest name length
                    for i in range(9, len(broken)):
                        name_sample = broken[i].replace("./","") # GATK adds "./" to sample names
                        len_longest_name = max(len_longest_name, len(name_sample))
        # Output filename will be the same as input file, indicating the minimum of samples specified
        outfile = filename.replace(".vcf",".min"+str(min_samples_locus))
        # We need to create an intermediate file to hold the sequence data 
        # vertically and then transpose it to create the matrices
        if fasta or nexus or not phylipdisable:
            temporal = open(outfile+".tmp", "w")
        # if binary NEXUS is selected also create a separate temporal
        if nexusbin:
            temporalbin = open(outfile+".bin.tmp", "w")
        index_last_sample = len(sample_names)+9
        # Start processing SNPs of VCF file
        with open(filename) as vcf:
            # Initialize line counter
            snp_num = 0
            snp_accepted = 0
            snp_shallow = 0
            snp_multinuc = 0
            snp_biallelic = 0
            while True:
                # Load large chunks of file into memory
                vcf_chunk = vcf.readlines(100000)
                if not vcf_chunk:
                # Now process the SNPs one by one
                for line in vcf_chunk:
                    if not line.startswith("#") and line.strip("\n") != "": # pyrad sometimes produces an empty line after the #CHROM line
                        # Split line into columns
                        broken = line.strip("\n").split("\t")
                        for g in range(9,len(broken)):
                            if broken[g] in [".", ".|."]:
                                broken[g] = "./."
                        # Keep track of number of genotypes processed
                        snp_num += 1
                        # Print progress every 500000 lines
                        if snp_num % 500000 == 0:
                            print str(snp_num)+" genotypes processed"
                        # Check if the SNP has the minimum of samples required
                        if (len(broken[9:]) - ''.join(broken[9:]).count("./.")) >= min_samples_locus:
                            # Check that ref genotype is a single nucleotide and alternative genotypes are single nucleotides
                            if len(broken[3]) == 1 and (len(broken[4])-broken[4].count(",")) == (broken[4].count(",")+1):
                                # Add to running sum of accepted SNPs
                                snp_accepted += 1
                                # If nucleotide matrices are requested
                                if fasta or nexus or not phylipdisable:
                                    # Create a dictionary for genotype to nucleotide translation
                                    # each SNP may code the nucleotides in a different manner
                                    nuc = {str(0):broken[3], ".":"N"}
                                    for n in range(len(broken[4].split(","))):
                                        nuc[str(n+1)] = broken[4].split(",")[n]
                                    # Translate genotypes into nucleotides and the obtain the IUPAC ambiguity
                                    # for heterozygous SNPs, and append to DNA sequence of each sample
                                    site_tmp = ''.join([(amb[(nuc[broken[i][0]], nuc[broken[i][1]])]) for i in range(9, index_last_sample)])
                                    # Write entire row of single nucleotide genotypes to temporary file
                                # Write binary NEXUS for SNAPP if requested
                                if nexusbin:
                                    # Check taht the SNP only has two alleles
                                    if len(broken[4]) == 1:
                                        # Add to running sum of biallelic SNPs
                                        snp_biallelic += 1
                                        # Translate genotype into 0 for homozygous ref, 1 for heterozygous, and 2 for homozygous alt
                                        binsite_tmp = ''.join([(gen_bin[broken[i][0:3]]) for i in range(9, index_last_sample)])
                                        # Write entire row to temporary file
                                # Keep track of loci rejected due to multinucleotide genotypes
                                snp_multinuc += 1
                                # Keep track of loci rejected due to exceeded missing data
                                snp_shallow += 1
                            # Keep track of loci rejected due to exceeded missing data
                            snp_shallow += 1
            # Print useful information about filtering of SNPs
            print str(snp_num) + " genotypes processed in total"
            print "\n"
            print str(snp_shallow) + " genotypes were excluded because they exceeded the amount of missing data allowed"
            print str(snp_multinuc) + " genotypes passed missing data filter but were excluded for not being SNPs"
            print str(snp_accepted) + " SNPs passed the filters"
            if nexusbin:
                print str(snp_biallelic) + " SNPs were biallelic and selected for binary NEXUS"
            print "\n"
        if fasta or nexus or not phylipdisable:
        if nexusbin:
        if not phylipdisable:
            output_phy = open(outfile+".phy", "w")
            header_phy = str(len(sample_names))+" "+str(snp_accepted)+"\n"
        if fasta:
            output_fas = open(outfile+".fasta", "w")
        if nexus:
            output_nex = open(outfile+".nexus", "w")
            header_nex = "#NEXUS\n\nBEGIN DATA;\n\tDIMENSIONS NTAX=" + str(len(sample_names)) + " NCHAR=" + str(snp_accepted) + ";\n\tFORMAT DATATYPE=DNA" + " MISSING=N" + " GAP=- ;\nMATRIX\n"
        if nexusbin:
            output_nexbin = open(outfile+".bin.nexus", "w")
            header_nexbin = "#NEXUS\n\nBEGIN DATA;\n\tDIMENSIONS NTAX=" + str(len(sample_names)) + " NCHAR=" + str(snp_biallelic) + ";\n\tFORMAT DATATYPE=SNP" + " MISSING=?" + " GAP=- ;\nMATRIX\n"
        # Store index of outgroup in list of sample names
        idx_outgroup = "NA"
        # Write outgroup as first sequence in alignment if the name is specified
        if outgroup in sample_names:
            idx_outgroup = sample_names.index(outgroup)
            if fasta or nexus or not phylipdisable:
                with open(outfile+".tmp") as tmp_seq:
                    seqout = ""
                    # This is where the transposing happens
                    for line in tmp_seq:
                        seqout += line[idx_outgroup]
                    # Write FASTA line
                    if fasta:
                    # Pad sequences names and write PHYLIP or NEXUS lines
                    padding = (len_longest_name + 3 - len(sample_names[idx_outgroup])) * " "
                    if not phylipdisable:
                    if nexus:
                    # Print current progress
                    print "Outgroup, "+outgroup+", added to the matrix(ces)."
            if nexusbin:
                with open(outfile+".bin.tmp") as bin_tmp_seq:
                    seqout = ""
                    # This is where the transposing happens
                    for line in bin_tmp_seq:
                        seqout += line[idx_outgroup]
                    # Write line of binary SNPs to NEXUS
                    padding = (len_longest_name + 3 - len(sample_names[idx_outgroup])) * " "
                    # Print current progress
                    print "Outgroup, "+outgroup+", added to the binary matrix."
        # Write sequences of the ingroup
        for s in range(0, len(sample_names)):
            if s != idx_outgroup:
                if fasta or nexus or not phylipdisable:
                    with open(outfile+".tmp") as tmp_seq:
                        seqout = ""
                        # This is where the transposing happens
                        for line in tmp_seq:
                            seqout += line[s]
                        # Write FASTA line
                        if fasta:
                        # Pad sequences names and write PHYLIP or NEXUS lines
                        padding = (len_longest_name + 3 - len(sample_names[s])) * " "
                        if not phylipdisable:
                        if nexus:
                        # Print current progress
                        print "Sample "+str(s+1)+" of "+str(len(sample_names))+", "+sample_names[s]+", added to the nucleotide matrix(ces)."
                if nexusbin:
                    with open(outfile+".bin.tmp") as bin_tmp_seq:
                        seqout = ""
                        # This is where the transposing happens
                        for line in bin_tmp_seq:
                            seqout += line[s]
                        # Write line of binary SNPs to NEXUS
                        padding = (len_longest_name + 3 - len(sample_names[s])) * " "
                        # Print current progress
                        print "Sample "+str(s+1)+" of "+str(len(sample_names))+", "+sample_names[s]+", added to the binary matrix."
        if not phylipdisable:
        if fasta:
        if nexus:
        if nexusbin:
        if fasta or nexus or not phylipdisable:
        if nexusbin:
        print "\nDone!\n"
    if __name__ == "__main__":



    使用MEGAX常用的参数去构建系统进化树,因为我的样本都是来自同一个specie的不同亚种,所以NJ tree 已经适用了。


    最后生成.nwk 文件,进一步使用其他工具将其美化。

    Method 2 SnPhylop






    snphylo.sh -v VCF_file [-p Maximum_PLCS (5)] [-c Minimum_depth_of_coverage (5)]|-H HapMap_file [-p Maximum_PNSS (5)]|-s Simple_SNP_file [-p Maximum_PNSS (5)]|-d GDS_file [-l LD_threshold (0.1)] [-m MAF_threshold (0.1)] [-M Missing_rate (0.1)] [-o Outgroup_sample_name] [-P Prefix_of_output_files (snphylo.output)] [-b [-B The_number_of_bootstrap_samples (100)]] [-a The_number_of_the_last_autosome (22)] [-r] [-A] [-h]
    -A: Perform multiple alignment by MUSCLE
    -b: Performs (non-parametric) bootstrap analysis and generate a tree
    -h: Show help and exit
    -r: Skip the step removing low quality data (-p and -c option are ignored)
    PLCS: The percent of Low Coverage Sample
    PNSS: The percent of Sample which has no SNP information
    LD: Linkage Disequilibrium
    MAF: Minor Allele Frequency
    Simple SNP File Format:
    #Chrom Pos SampleID1 SampleID2 SampleID3 ...
    1 1000 A A T ...
    1 1002 G C G ...
    2 2000 G C G ...
    2 2002 A A T ...


    ~/biosoft/SNPhylo/snphylo.sh -v Gpan.prune.in.vcf -A -b -B 300


    rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users  98K Sep  4 09:08 snphylo.output.bs.png
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users  27K Sep  4 09:08 snphylo.output.bs.tree
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users 4.9M Sep  1 20:04 snphylo.output.fasta
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users 488M Sep  1 19:48 snphylo.output.filtered.vcf
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users  31M Sep  1 20:03 snphylo.output.gds
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users  72K Sep  1 20:03 snphylo.output.id.txt
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users  95K Sep  3 19:37 snphylo.output.ml.png
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users  25K Sep  3 19:37 snphylo.output.ml.tree
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users 257K Sep  3 19:37 snphylo.output.ml.txt
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users 5.4M Sep  1 20:49 snphylo.output.phylip.txt
    -rw-r----- 1 21230309 domain users  20K Sep  1 19:16 snphylo.tar.gz



      • 生信小白2018:你好,运行plink --vcf All_test_11.vcf --allow-extra-chr--indep-pairwise 50 10 0.2 --out test_12时,需要 输入文件All_test_11.vcf的ID列有编号,但是我的vcf是用gatk3 call的,ID那列是空值,你有没有碰到过这种情况
        lakeseafly:@生信小白2018 棒棒!找到问题去解决就很好了
        生信小白2018:@lakeseafly 谢谢,我也自己加上了
        lakeseafly:@生信小白2018 有的,你可以自己手工加一行进去,我也是自己加的

      本文标题:如何构建SNPs-based phylogenetic tree
