本文节选自《经济学人》2019.02.16期,China 版块中的一篇关于《流浪地球》的报道。
Earth must be moved away from the expanding sun, which threatens to engulf it. As it ispropelled across the solar system by gargantuan thrusters it gets trapped in Jupiter’s gravitational pull. The apocalypse looms. There is only one hope for the human race: China.
be moved away from:从……被移走。这里的翻译应该是把地球搬离太阳系。另外,“搬家”就是用move表述的,I will think about moving 我会去思考有关搬家的事,“搬家”通常都是主动形式,例如She said that she would move there in a week 她说一个星期内她会搬家去那里;又如we’ll move to a new town我们将搬家去新的小镇【写作推荐】关于搬家的表达
engulf:吞没。另外还有一个意思是“严重影响”,Fear engulfed her 她陷入深深的恐惧之中。文中的翻译可参考此句:the impending economic disaster which threatens to engulf the entire planet迫在眉睫的经济灾难,正在威胁着整个地球。Threaten to engulf 威胁着吞没翻译不符合中文习惯,这是中英文之间的差别,可以选择省译【写作推荐】地道表达Fear engulfed her 她陷入深深的恐惧之中
solar system:太阳系
gargantuan thrusters:庞大的,巨型的;推进器
gets trapped in:另外表达be trapped in;get stuck in【写作推荐】同义词替换
looms:逼近,通常是不好的东西逼近,如there was a crisis looming危险迫在眉睫【写作推荐】词汇积累
“The Wandering Earth”, China’s first blockbusting sci-fi film, has achieved gravity-defyingsuccess with this absurd plot. In its first ten days in cinemas it earned an impressive 3bn yuan. The film is widely expected to become China’s second highest-grossing, behind“Wolf Warrior 2”, a thriller whose lead actor, Wu Jing, also stars in the sci-fi epic. Many Chinese commentatorsattribute the film’s stellar success to growing pride in the country’s space programme. Last month China became the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon.
blockbusting:引起轰动的a blockbuster 一本非常成功的书(或电影)
sci-fi film:科幻电影 即science-fiction film 两种表达皆可。下面还有sci-fi epic 即科幻史诗
gravity-defying:违反重力的,克服重力的; defy 违抗,违反
an impressive 3bn yuan:impressive 形容价格的高,通常不翻译出来,如The bidding for a tour of Bill Gates' house ended at an impressive $35000. 比尔·盖茨的“豪宅一日游”项目以3.5万美元的高价成交。【写作推荐】地道表达
widely:普遍地by a lot of people,同义还有universally【写作推荐】词汇替换
lead actor:主角
stars in:主演,出演
attribute A to B:将A归因于B。同义此还有ascribe A to B【写作推荐】同义替换
land a spacecraft on someplace:降落,登陆
be moved away from:从……被移走。这里的翻译应该是把地球搬离太阳系。另外,“搬家”就是用move表述的,I will think about moving 我会去思考有关搬家的事,“搬家”通常都是主动形式,例如She said that she would move there in a week 她说一个星期内她会搬家去那里;又如we’ll move to a new town我们将搬家去新的小镇【写作推荐】关于搬家的表达
engulf:吞没。另外还有一个意思是“严重影响”,Fear engulfed her 她陷入深深的恐惧之中。文中的翻译可参考此句:the impending economic disaster which threatens to engulf the entire planet迫在眉睫的经济灾难,正在威胁着整个地球。Threaten to engulf 威胁着吞没翻译不符合中文习惯,这是中英文之间的差别,可以选择省译【写作推荐】地道表达Fear engulfed her 她陷入深深的恐惧之中
gets trapped in:另外表达be trapped in;get stuck in【写作推荐】同义词替换
looms:逼近,通常是不好的东西逼近,如there was a crisis looming危险迫在眉睫【写作推荐】词汇积累
an impressive 3bn yuan:impressive 形容价格的高,通常不翻译出来,如The bidding for a tour of Bill Gates' house ended at an impressive $35000. 比尔·盖茨的“豪宅一日游”项目以3.5万美元的高价成交。【写作推荐】地道表达
widely:普遍地by a lot of people,同义还有universally【写作推荐】词汇替换
attribute A to B:将A归因于B。同义此还有ascribe A to B【写作推荐】同义替换