

作者: 特里先生 | 来源:发表于2017-02-23 09:54 被阅读0次
    English learning.jpg

    跟大部分同龄人一样, 作为祖国的“老花朵”, 我也是学着“I am fine, thank you, and you?”长大的一代。刚入职的时候,面对两位完全不懂中文的老板, 面对一群完全不懂中文的teammates, 我不习惯,甚至隐隐有些恐惧与同事的沟通交流。怕露怯,怕听不懂,怕Chinglish,但是内心却极其不满意自己的这种状态。

    出来混总是要还的,现在流下的泪完全是大学时期脑子里进的水。于是几乎每一封英文邮件我都会仔细研读,从遣词造句,到背后隐藏的西方思维。于是美剧不再是休闲消遣的选择,我会把一部老友记翻来覆去看上几十遍,目标是达到可以背诵台词的程度。于是我强迫自己不再惧怕用英文沟通,听不懂又怎样,不是还有个万能的 “Sorry?” 嘛。无自虐,不人生

    浸润式学习很重要,不要再把过多的时间浪费在背诵单词上,don't get me wrong, 并不是说单词不重要,而是要尽可能地沉浸在英语语言环境里,美剧、脱口秀、英文歌曲,不管听不听得懂,泡在里面就对了。拜托都已经是2017年了,不要再给自己找借口,毕竟周围有太多从未出国,但是口语依旧地道的大牛们。


    “Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear, the brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all. From now on you will be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey.”


    拿出小本本,跟大家一起分享地道的职场英语用法,都是从外国同事的邮件里摘取,原汁原味儿,今天的分享多是日常工作的沟通交流中很有可能会用到的,如遇到类似情景,可以直接Pick up。

    Hope this finds you well.

    Your feedback is very much appreciated and will be carefully considered.

    Please contact me if you have any questions.

    We will get you further information, but I wanted to alert you to the timing.

    There are several issues we need to be mindful of

    突然想到某事 (适用于被问及对某事的看法)
    One thing that jumps out: XXX

    I'm sorry but some work has come up here that is time sensitive that I need to complete before XX

    I have a project I'm under deadline for right now

    休假或其他特殊情况不在办公室,邮箱out of office信息
    I will be out of the office with limited access to email until XX. If it is urgent please contact XX or text me at XX (phone number)

    I am currently on leave until XX and will respond as soon as I can. If it is urgent please contact XX or text me at XX (phone number)

    Please note that China office will be closed on XX due to Public Holiday.

    I'm away. If it's really urgent, send me a text. Otherwise try again after XX please.

    If we could agree on this as soon as possible we can move forward.

    When you have time, could you consider providing me with a list of XX so that we can consider the format for XX.

    Please let me know who is outstanding tomorrow (deadline)

    XX has decided to leave us for a new pastures on XX.

    I want to take this opportunity to thank XX for the hard work, commitment and support across the organisation, and wish her every success in her new job.

    You have a lot on and I'll be up there

    I just wanted to see how things were progressing

    That link doesn't bring up anything, just a blank page.

    Can you please come by to talk?

    Can you please swing by?

    Would you be available for a catch up call in next few hours?

    Could I give you a call in 10 min? Would that work?

    I may not be out of my meeting with XX until XX time, so can we start the call then?

    Let me know when you're ready and we can talk over Skype.

    This looks good otherwise.




