
作者: 七老师 | 来源:发表于2017-02-01 00:04 被阅读1160次

按: 春节一过,新的一届毕业生就要开始找工作,完成从学校到社会的转变。大学生就业,是一个世界性的议题。读完此文,你会了解到国外职业咨询公司或组织如LearnUp、Generation以及知名的LinkedIn如何运用科技帮助求职者找到匹配的工作,以及更重要的是,如何培训他们以适应不断变化的职业要求。反观中国,类似的公司或机构还是不多,未来在此方面或许大有可为。毕竟在文凭贬值、产业升级、科技迅猛发展的今天,每一个人都需要不断自我迭代,来适应世界的变化。终身学习已然成为刚需。


Pathway dependency

Turning qualifications into jobs


How technology can help in myriad ways
Jan 14th 2017

  1. UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IS designed to act as a slipway, launching students into the wider world in the expectation that the currents will guide them into a job. In practice, many people get stuck in the doldrums because employers demand evidence of specific experience even from entry-level candidates. Whether this counts as a skills gap is a matter of debate. “If I cannot find a powerful, fuel-efficient, easy-to-park car for $15,000, that doesn’t mean there is a car shortage,” says Peter Cappelli of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. But whether the fault lies with the educators or the employers, there is a need for pathways that lead individuals into jobs.
    1)大学教育的目的是作为一个滑道,将学生像船一样推入更广阔的世界,期望潮流引导他们找到一份工作。实际上,许多人却陷入困境,因为雇主要求大学生提供他们具有专业经验的证据,甚至是对于入门级的应聘者来也是如此。这是否是技能缺口是一个争论的问题。宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(Wharton School)的彼得·卡佩利(Peter Cappelli)说:“如果我找不到一辆价格15000美元的动力强劲、节能、易于停车的汽车,这并不意味着汽车短缺。”但是,无论错误在于教育者还是雇主,社会都需要一种能使个人进入就业的途径。

  2. Sometimes those pathways are clearly defined, as in medicine and the law. Vocational education combines classroom and work-based learning to prepare young people for specific trades. In many European countries, one-third to half of later-stage secondary schoolgoers are on a vocational path (see chart). Britain is due to introduce an apprenticeship levy in April.

  3. But pathways are needed to smooth transitions in other countries (America, for example, lacks a tradition of vocational education); in less structured occupations; and when formal education has come to an end. The nanodegree is an example of such a pathway, as is General Assembly’s bootcamp model. Both rely heavily on input from employers to create content; both use jobs rather than credentials as a measure of success.

  4. That is particularly important in the early stages of people’s careers, which is not just when they lack experience but also when earnings grow fastest. An analysis of American wage growth by economists at the New York Federal Reserve showed that the bulk of earnings growth took place between the ages of 25 and 35; on average, after the age of 45 only the top 2% of lifetime earners see any earnings growth. So it is vital for people to move quickly into work once qualified, and to hold on to jobs once they get them.

  5. That is the insight behind LearnUp, a startup that works with applicants without college degrees for entry-level positions. Users applying for a job online can click on a link and take a one-hour online training session on how to be a cashier, sales clerk or whatever they are after. Employers pay LearnUp a fixed fee to improve the pool of candidates. Recruitment and retention rates have risen.

  6. Generation, a philanthropically funded programme run by the McKinsey Social Initiative, a not-for-profit arm of the consultancy, uses a bootcamp approach and some typically McKinsey-esque thinking to train people from difficult backgrounds for middle-skilled positions in industries like retailing and health care. The programme starts by going into workplaces and identifying key events (how an IT helpdesk handles a call from an irate customer, for example) that distinguish high performers from the rest.

  7. Curriculum designers then use that analysis to create a full-time training programme lasting between four and 12 weeks that covers both technical knowledge and behavioural skills. The programme has gone live in America, Spain, India, Kenya and Mexico. By the end of 2016 it had 10,000 graduates, for whom it claims an employment rate of 90% and much higher retention rates than usual. The trainees pay nothing; the hope is that employers will fund the programme, or embed it in their own training programmes, when they see how useful it is.

A little help from your friends

  1. Such experiments use training to take people into specific jobs. In the past, an initial shove might have been all the help they needed. But as middle-skilled roles disappear, some rungs on the job ladder have gone missing. And in a world of continuous reskilling and greater self-employment, people may need help with repeatedly moving from one type of job to another. Vocational education is good at getting school-leavers into work, but does nothing to help people adapt to changes in the world of work. Indeed, a cross-country study in 2015 by researchers at the Hoover Institution suggests that people with a vocational education are more likely than those with a general education to withdraw from the labour force as they age. The pattern is particularly marked in countries that rely heavily on apprenticeships, such as Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.

  2. Large companies may have the scale to offer their employees internal pathways to improve their skills, as companies like AT&T do. But many workers will need outside help in deciding which routes to take. That suggests a big opportunity for firms that can act, in effect, as careers advisers. Some are better placed than others to see where the jobs market is going. Manpower, which supplies temporary workers to many industries, last year launched a programme called MyPath that is based on the idea of an iterative process of learning and working. It allows Manpower’s army of temporary workers in America to earn a degree from Western International University at no financial cost to them. The degree is structured as a series of three or four episodes of education followed by periods in work, in the expectation that Manpower has a good overview of the skills leading to well-paid jobs.

  3. LinkedIn is another organisation with** a decent understanding** of wider trends. The professional-networking site likes to call the data it sits on “the economic graph”, a digital map of the global economy. Its candidate data, and its recruitment platform, give it information on where demand from employers is greatest and what skills jobseekers need. And with LinkedIn Learning it can now also deliver training itself.
    10)LinkedIn是另一个对更广泛的趋势有足够理解的组织。这家职业网站喜欢称它坐拥的数据为“经济图”,即全球经济的数字地图。其求职者数据及其招聘平台为其提供了关于雇主的需求在哪里最大以及求职者需要什么技能的信息。通过LinkedIn Learning这个平台,它现在本身也可以提供培训。

  4. The firm can already tell candidates how well their qualifications for any advertised job stack up against those of other applicants. In time, its data might be used to give “investment advice”, counselling its members on the financial return to specific skills and on how long they are likely to be useful; or to show members how other people have got into desirable positions.

  5. The difficulty with offering mass-market careers advice is finding a business model that will pay for it. LinkedIn solves this problem by aiming itself primarily at professionals who either pay for services themselves or who are of interest to recruiters. But that raises a much bigger question. “There is no shortage of options for folks of means,” says Adam Newman of Tyton Partners, an education consultancy. “But what about LinkedIn for the linked-out?”
    12)提供大众市场职业建议的困难是找到一种商业模式来支付它。 LinkedIn解决这个问题的方法是主要针对自己支付服务或招聘人员会对其感兴趣的专业人士。但这提出了一个更大的问题。“对于有办法的人们来说,他们不会缺少选择,”教育咨询公司Tyton Partners的Adam Newman说: “但是,那些没有资源的人怎么‘领英’呢?”
    This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline “Pathway dependency”






