Hanbao was accompanied to study Gobang in the morning and I had a meeting in the afternoon, so I could not take the children
I can only entrust friends to help take the children for half a day
Hanbao kept kissing when I got off the subway
When I saw a child like this, my heart was broken
Hanbao is still very clever
The requirements for children from a young age are also more stringent
The competition among children is still very intense in Shanghai
Just give as much help as possible to Hanbao
Now, Hanbaoo can understand that parents sometimes need to work hard and can only find friends to help bring him
Every time I feel awkward but I can’t get away from it
Fortunately, Hanbao understands and begins to understand how to take care of himself
Every parent wants to spend as much time with their child as possible but sometimes it's hard
Sometimes I also tell Hanbao about some of my childhood things
The times are different, and now the children are much happy
Boys still want personality to be independent
Meeting hanbao is the most beautiful fate o f my life
