内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2019-02-23 11:33 被阅读107次
内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

我在第一次内观时很喜欢葛英卡discourse,结束后买了他的书,在酒店里看完感觉很受益,还标注很多有帮助的内容,结果和一个一起参加Ashtanga美丽fit有格调的芬兰女子同屋,也许被她distracted,走的时候竟然书落在不知哪里,心里没有遗憾想到或者这个芬兰女子可以看到受益或者酒店里服务人员因此了解到葛英卡内观的益处;这次课程结束又买了同样的书和铁吉老师厚厚的书,背着它一直走了一天,在仰光犹如市场比市场还拥挤集中浓缩缅甸当地农民生活的火车上花5个小时生生看完了G的书,很多时候让座给尼姑和老女人就站在几大坨蔬菜中间看,也真是应景了,感觉很好。我几乎不看paper book都是音频书和电子书,所以把精华浓缩如下分享,也是希望可以帮助到我的书可以帮助有缘看到此文章的你们!

内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解


oneself-god realization

我们每个人实相都是god,很多人认为这样想过于自大,那是基于无明ignorance(这个翻译很赞),每个人最小的亚原子细胞里都是一个宇宙,迸发无穷的能量和奥妙,向内看就是一个知晓自己从而宇宙奥妙的过程,知道身体,感官,意识,潜意识,无意识如何交互作用,去除ignorance无明和ego,所以说是self-realization和oneself, god realization 过程。

内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

innumerable biochemical=electromagnetic


breath is connected to mental state, help explore reality of body and mind.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

craving, clinging-raga; aversion, hatred-dosa

这个我喜欢,因为每时每刻都具备贪嗔,佛教翻译的真是精辟,最神的是craving和clinging关系,很多时候我们是clingling to craving, 也叫做attached to craving,有没有很熟悉,痛点啊痛点!

impurities hidden in the unconsciousness rise to conscious level and manifest as mental or physical discomfort.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

Dhamma=universal law of nature=when u help others u help yourself; when u harm others u heard yourself.


Dhamma path three sections: sila(morality), samadhi(mastering the mind) and panna(development of wisdom);sila leads to the development of samadhi, right concentration,;samadhi leads to the development of panna, wisdom which purifies the mind; panna leads to nibbana, liberation from all impurities, full enlightenment.

其实Dhamma之路不是很容易,三个支撑点,这和我们Viva la vida三个砥柱(营养,健身,正能量)一样;Sila就是道德规范,包括不撒谎,不偷盗,不伤害,不喝酒和吸食任何毒物等,目前我都戒酒后就都做到了;第二个就是Samadhi控制管理心智,这个路漫漫,需要严格管理自己心智和专心,可能是一辈子或者几辈子事;第三个Panna就是智慧,明了实相从而进一步获得解脱,实相是什么?就是我们之前提到的,每个人都是God,身心交互产生sensation,sensation和sankara决定我们心智反应,向内看是终极解决方案,aware和equanimity是摆脱痛苦,厌恶和无明的方法(贪嗔痴),人的一生都要和ego作斗争,只要有ego,就没有可能获得解脱。

内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

the stronger the ego the further from the liberation


fix your mind more firmly in the present u find easily recall the past when needed and make proper provisions for the future.


kalapa is subatomic particles which arise and pass away with trillions of times within a second, consists four elements: earth, water, fire and air; in real life there is no solidity.

内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解


four aggregates of mind: consciousness, perception, sensation, sankara(reaction)


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

if the present is good, one need not worry about future.


vipa teaches the art of dying, how to die peacefully harmoniously by learning the art of living, how to become master of the present moment.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

most of time u react to sensation, but a few moments u remind equanimous, which very powerful and reach the stage that u can smile at any sensation.


accept the suffering, examine the pain objectively, as if it is someone else's pain


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

even if pain exists one no longer suffered, instead can smile at it as one can observe it.


whenever one develops craving wether to keep a pleasant sensation or to get rid of unpleasant one, if craving not fulfilled one starts suffering.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

attachment to the material five aggregates, four mental aggregates of consciousness, perception, sensation and reaction; clings to them as I, mine, wherever there is attachment there is condition to be misery.


out of attachment one generates strong reaction, sankara, which has deep impression on the mind and give a push to the flow of consciousness to next life.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

ignorance: one does not know what one is doing, how one is reacting-generating sankara,suffering reminds - flow of consciousness- mind and matter- five sense organs and mind- contact- sensations - liking and disliking


ignorance - misery, how to eradicate ignorance : one deeps wisdom and does not react to sensations.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

how to act instead of react: wait a few moment, remaining aware of sensation and equanimous, then make a decision and choose an action; proceeds from a  balanced mind.


sensation is missing link between external object and reaction; reaction comes to conscious level it becomes so strong and can easily overpower the mind.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

one stops reaction where it start: physical sensation where craving and aversion begin, one can come out of misery.


kalapa: weight from heaviness to lightness is earth element, cold to heat is fire, motion from stationary to movement is air, cohesiveness of binding together is rather.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

flow of matters needs food and atmosphere, flow of mind needs a present or a past sankara


remaining equanimous one find gross solidified, unpleasant sensations to dissolve into subtle vibration, a very pleasant flow of energy throughout the body.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

when a subtle and pleasant session arises, one accepts it even enjoys it without elated or attached to it; understands the impermanent nature of all sensations, smile when arise and pass away.


whatever arises in the mind is accompanied by a physical sensation.


the greater rest of mind is to remain aware and equanimous.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

experience the stage beyond mind and matter-nibbana, one experiences nibbana for first time, one is totally changed: no longer perform many action to a future life in a lower form of existence; one experience deathless, where nothing arises and pass away.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

one takes refuge in the Buddha is to develop the quality of buddha: enlightenment, pays respect to quality not sect or person; walking on path of Dhamma: sila, samadhi, panna, nibbana/liberation; overflowing with love, compassion, joy for others, helping others, full of perfect equanimity; remaining peaceful and happy within oneself and making others peaceful and happy


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

Buddha said highest welfare is the ability to keep the balance of one's mind in spirit of all the vicissitudes, the ups and downs. smile in every situation, a real smile from the heart; if one has equanimity at the deepest level within one has the true happiness.


if person can only take hard words and actions, before doing so one has to examine if the mind is balanced and only love ht compassion for that person, if so action will be helpful.

如果碰到人和情况必须严厉对待,就要检查自己是否有爱和慈悲,自己行动才会有帮助。这个对我很实用,因为经常不愿意say no和习惯性帮助别人,使自己很难受或者被反复利用,对自己对他人都不好,需要采取行动的时候必须坚决,世界上那么多需要帮助的人,为啥一直帮助一个不知到如何感恩从而去帮助他人的人呢?

内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

One is ultimately responsible for his own suffering and calmly and peacefully does what he can to change the situation but without any anger or hatred towards others; only love and compassion for those who are harming him. all he creates for the future is brightness.


Do not run away from problem, just observation; even for a few moments, this self-observation will be a shock absorber between the external stimulus and one's response.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

one is completely responsible for his own misery or happiness.


person is misbehaving because he is suffering.


ten mental qualities to total egolessness; renunciation, morality, effort, wisdom, tolerance, truth, strong determination, pure selfless love, equanimity, donation.


triple gem in buddha, in Dhamma, in Sangha: gratitude to serve others without anything in return, to guatama the Buddha, surrendered to Buddha for 10 days.


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

aware of the nature of the mind not single thought: craving, aversion, ignorance and agitation are present or not, whatever it arises in the mind , will be accompanied by a physical sensation;


between the object and reaction is a missing link: sensation.


arising and passing away separately-arising and passing away simultaneously: gross sensation dissolved into subtle vibrations, mental physical structure disappears: bhanga-dissolution, then attachment goes away


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解

Vipa is explained in The Satipatṭhāna Sutta(The Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness), and the subsequently created Mahāsatipatṭhāna Sutta( The Great Discourse on the Establishing of Mindfulness), are two of the most celebrated and widely studied discourses in the Pāli Canon of Theravada Buddhism, acting as the foundation for contemporay vipassana meditational practice. These suttas (discourses) stress the practice of sati (mindfulness) "for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the extinguishing of suffering and grief, for walking on the path of truth, for the realization of nibbāna."


内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解


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    本文标题:内观葛英卡讲座精华集锦:帮助我们永远摆脱痛苦!- 个人理解
