
作者: 福州翻译Ivy | 来源:发表于2018-09-10 19:40 被阅读24次


Today, as we mark the 19th anniversary of Alibaba,...

mark的这个词义大家一定不陌生,特别是在一些重要场合,经常出现。mark表示庆祝,纪念,比如:celebrations to mark Australia Day 澳大利亚国庆节的庆祝活动,还有举办某活动以庆祝某节日/场合,可以用这个词组套用:mark sth with sth,比如:Carter’s 90th birthday will be marked with a large party at the Savoy Hotel. 卡特90岁生日将在萨沃伊酒店举办盛宴庆贺。


one year from today on September 10, 2019 which also falls on Alibaba's 20th anniversary...

fall此处的词义是“属于”,不及物动词,后面一般跟个介词。比如,我们常说某某人某某事物分成几类,领导分两类,Leaders fall into two categories. 

还有属于某个范围范畴,fall within, fall under,比如:

The judge said that this matter did not fall within the scope of the auditor’s duties. 法官称这件事不属于审计员的职责范畴。

Meat production falls under the control of the Agriculture Department. 肉类生产由农业部管辖。



We believed the only way to solve the problem of corporate leadership succession was to develop a system of governance based on a unique culture and mechanisms for developing consistent talent and successors. For the last 10 years, we kept working on these ingredients.

ingredient此处并不是“配料”,而是完成某事的要素、因素。比如我们可以把上述两句改写一下,基于独特文化的管理制度和接班人体系是阿里巴巴成功的关键因素,the system of governance based on a unique culture and mechanisms for developing consistent talent and successors are essential ingredients of Alibaba's success.

当然,ingredient一词也可以表示人才的所需素质,比如我们熟知的国翻一姐张璐具备一名优秀翻译所需的一切素质,Zhang Lu has all the ingredients of a great interpreter.


Alibaba is amazing not because of our business or scale or accomplishments. The best thing about Alibaba is that we come together under a common mission and vision.

这句话的组句思路还蛮值得大家学习的呢,我们可以套用一下,用于日后的写作和翻译中,比如某某机构/国家最了不起的不是……,而是……,Sth is amazing/great not because of .../What makes sth. a great/amazing country/company, etc. is not... The best thing about sth. is ...

我们已经变成了一家真正使命愿景驱动的企业,译者没有直接翻译成类似be a vision-driven enterprise这样的直译,而是将这句先做了个中文意思的转化(CC,Chinese to Chinese),转化为,我们因为具有共同的使命愿景而团结在一起:We come together under a common mission and vision.

这在中译英中也是很常见的技巧。关于这部分的案例,刚接触翻译的童鞋可以看看政府工作报告双语版,部分比较有中国特色的表达和术语的翻译就会采用这样先解释后翻译的思路,详见>>>>建党日 | 聊聊如何快速又高效地读完政府工作报告双语版 如果基础不错,且有意朝着更加灵活的文学翻译进阶的学习者,也可以看一些优质的文学翻译双语,细细琢磨体会。


In fact, since I handed over the CEO's responsibilities in 2013, the company has run smoothly for five years on the back of these institutional ingredients.


此句中的“靠”并没有处理成类似rely on这样的大动词,而是用了on the back of介词结构。


比如“迫于市场压力”,这个“迫于”根据句子情况,可能不需要翻译成be forced这样的,under market pressure就够了。

还有比如:这种模式出现了一个新变化,引起了监管机构的注意。A new change on the model has got the attention of regulators for the few weeks.


这里的依随,就不是一定要翻译成follow的,可以是out of, according to, 也可以省去不译,用whatever,因为依随自己的喜好和感兴趣也是重复了,可以合并到一起翻译,比如:You can do whatever you like/whatever interests you.


受……影响,迫于……的压力,受制于,under。比如,迫于市场压力,under market pressure。

支持,为了,青睐,赞同,for, behind。比如,给某人撑腰,支持某人,be behind someone,支持假设的政府,evidence for hypotheses。


离开,逃离,摆脱,out of, off, away from。



Since the founding of the company in 1999, we have been of the view that Alibaba's future will need to depend on "droves of talent" to enable us to iterate on our management succession plans. 

“必须要有”处理为“依赖”depend on。

同时,“良将如潮”,droves表示人潮,成群的人,比如马上就要迎来黄金周假期了,游客成群结队前来参观什么景点,Tourists come in droves to see ...


After 19 years of hard work, today's Alibaba has a world-class talent pool in quality and quantity.

这句话的翻译思路便是将“堪称世界一流”处理为一个形容词world-class放在人才库talent pool前面,“质量和数量”处理成状语in quality and quantity. 

可以积累下这个句式,某某机构/人无论是某事物的质量和数量都堪称世界一流/优秀,Sth./sb. has a world-class/great sth. in (both) quality and quantity.


Those who know me know that I do not like to sit idle

sit可表示处于某种状态,后面的idle形容词做状语。类似的例句还有,比如这幢房子已经空置两年了,The house has sat empty for two years. 

再来一个仿写,女生喜欢剁手,但是买买买之后又闲置在一边不用,sth. sits unused.



