
作者: 简单1909 | 来源:发表于2016-12-27 22:23 被阅读109次


我:If we don't find out the real reason why we fail, we risk of making the same mistake.

参考译文:If we can’t find out the real cause of the failure, we will risk/run the risk of repeating the same mistake.

考点一:失败的真正原因(the real cause of the failure)


2. 从环保的角度来看,铅笔比圆珠笔更环保。(term)

我:From the perspective of environmental protection,pencil is more environmental friendly than ball pen.

参考译文:In terms of environmental protection, pencils are more environmentally friendly than ball pens.

考点一:从…的角度来看(in terms of…)



我:He is fascinated with the way Englishmen love old things that they protect many castles with a long history.

参考译文:He is fascinated by the way the British love the old things and they preserve many old castles with a long history.

考点一:对…很着迷(be fascinated by)

考点二:保护着许多历史悠久的古城堡(preserve many old castles with a long history)


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