想必很多人虽然知道英国的统称是 Britain、英国人的统称是 British
但由于这门语言的确就叫 English,所以不少人还是会下意识地用 English 和 England 来提及英国。
而且英国人对于这件事,真的 很!不!开!心!
英式不开心!Quora 网站上甚至有个常驻的热门问题,专门讲这个:
来自英国人 Peter Hawkins 的回答获得了13.2k个好评,其中对此的总结就很好:
General rule:
•People who are English won't care
•Welsh will care and think you're an idiot
•Scots will really care, and think you an idiot
•Roughly 50% of people in Northern Ireland will really, really care and think you're either an idiot or being deliberately provocative
So it's not a great strategy. Use “British” if you have to use only one word. For Northern Ireland, I'd always say “Northern Irish” though this has the potential to annoy some unionists/loyalists. Better to take that risk than to say “British” to nationalists/republicans though.
英国作为一个整体的正式名称应该是 the Unitied Kingdom(联合王国)
而英伦三岛那一块的统称也应该是 Britain
全都和 English 还有 England 没啥关系哦。
England 真的只能指以伦敦为首府的英格兰一带。
而且,英国4个组成部分 England(英国)、Wales(威尔士)、Scotland(苏格兰)和 Northern Ireland(北爱尔兰)之间有复杂的历史纠葛,轻易乱讲的话很有可能触碰到一些不必要的神经。
获得451好评的回答@Alex Patnick:
I am British, and born in England. If people call me English and referring to me as being born in England, but if they are referring to my nationality, it annoys me. I am British, and have British citizenship. The Queen is the Queen of the United Kingdom, but can, informally, be called the British Queen. People who call her the Queen of England are uneducated, as there has not been an English Queen since the Act of Union in 1707.
The problem stems from a lack of understanding between the differences of the United Kingdom, Great Britain, England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It doesn’t help that we have four separate teams in both Football and Rugby. People aren’t taught the difference at school abroad and maybe they should be.
English 和 England 这两个词千万不要用来指代英国哦,麻烦很多的。