32个月龄的孩子处于韵律敏感期(Your 32-month-ol

32个月龄的孩子处于韵律敏感期(Your 32-month-ol

作者: 吴和平vip | 来源:发表于2019-06-09 13:46 被阅读63次

    Your 32-month-old: It's rhyme time /32个月龄的孩子:韵律敏感期。

    IN THIS ARTICLE/在这篇文章中:
    Your 2-year-old now / 你两岁多孩子的现状
    Your life now/你现在的生活

    Your 2-year-old now / 你两岁多孩子的现状

    A wonderful way to enhance your child's language development is with rhymes. Alliteration, word play, and rhyme tune your child's understanding of subtle differences between words and build vocabulary. They help boost auditory memory, an important pre-reading skill, and develop rhythm, too. The word pictures drawn in familiar rhymes become both fascinating and familiar. Not least, reading and singing rhymes lets your child know that words can be funny and fun!


    There's good reason Dr. Seuss books are universal favorites. The vocabularies are simple but the rhymes are pitch-perfect. In addition to rhyming storybooks, look for books of classic nursery rhymes or books of children's poems. There's a wide variety: counting rhymes, rhymes with finger play, and those with silly tongue twisters. It's also great to sing familiar rhymes, which offers many of the same benefits. (Your pitch doesn't matter in the least.)

    苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)的书之所以受到广泛的喜爱,是有原因的。书中的词汇很简单但是做到了完美押韵。除了押韵的故事书,经典的童谣或儿童诗也值得推荐。有很多这种东西:数数押韵、手指游戏押韵,以及那些傻乎乎的绕口令。唱众所周知的韵律诗也很好,它们也有一样的好处。(押韵的内容才是最重要的,你给孩子读它们的腔调或口音,一点儿都不重要。)

    Your life now /你现在的生活

    Feeling mentally drained by day's end? One way to restore your energy is to reassess your free time. See if there's any "fat" you can cut out of your life. You might find, for example, that now that your child is older you want to spend fewer evenings at committee meetings or in groups you no longer truly have time for. Ask yourself if you have mindless habits that you can ditch because they don't truly refresh you, such as vegging in front of the TV until you fall asleep or compulsive cleaning.






        本文标题:32个月龄的孩子处于韵律敏感期(Your 32-month-ol
