What was there before the Big Bang and what is there outside of our universe?
- Alan Deutsch 狄艾伦
“What lies beyond what our eyes cannot perceive?” is perhaps the most scientifically demanding question we face yet. It is the question over which the most stellar physicists scratch their heads. And yet here we are, playing dice with the universe and what lies beyond it. But in order to answer the question, one must take into account the sheer lack of scientific evidence for the days leading up towards the Big Bang, in this way, religion has the upper hand. In most myths, especially Genesis, the universe was once depicted as a chaotic bottomless void leading to nowhere. Until some higher being decided enough was enough, casually forging the universe from scratch. And although most religions don't go in depth to what happened before the Big Bang, the most obvious answer is the universe had no beginning, simply a change.
However, when looked at from the scientific perspective, there was a beginning, a spectacular one at that. Turning literally nothing, into something. Contradicting our factual knowledge of matter being unable to be created or destroyed, both theories seem false. After all, how could something so vast and large start without a beginning? And if it did have a beginning, then what existed before that? All of these raise staggering controversy, but I suppose the only real answer to all of the speculations is, there is none...or at least it's incomprehensible to “mere” humans, which ties into what lies beyond our universe.
然而,从科学的角度来看,宇宙是有开始的,而且是一个很壮观的起始。从无,到了有。从没有任何东西,变成有了一些东西。与我们已知的关于事物无法被创造也无法被摧毁这一事实相悖(译者注:指物质守恒定律),这两个理论(译者注:指宗教和科学的理论)都似乎是错的。毕竟,如此广阔而巨大的事物的开启怎么可能没有一个开始呢?而如果它有一个开始,那么在那开始之前又存在着什么呢?所有这些都引发惊人的争议,但我认为对所有这些猜测的唯一真正的答案是,它没有答案...... 或者至少对人类来说,毕竟我们不过是人类而已,即使有答案,那也是不可理解的,这又让我联想到“我们的宇宙之外到底存在着什么”的问题。
We live in a three-dimensional world, but we have been led to believe that many more exist, up to ten. Each more vast than the previous, and If you were to live in the tenth dimension, traveling to any point in time, anywhere, including an infinite amount of universes would be as easy as waving your hand. So that raises the question, what is the point of living in the tenth dimension if all you are confronted with are infinite possibilities and no challenges? This makes me glad that humans were never designed to leave the third dimension. It makes us who we are. Besides, we're busy enough on this planet as it is!
by Alan Deutsch
September 6, 2017, Shanghai.