

作者: ad3b97758b76 | 来源:发表于2017-12-28 20:25 被阅读26次

Nativity play

The Nativity Play recreates the scene of Jesus’ birth in the stable and tells of how Mary and Joseph were visited by the Shepherds and Wise Men. The word nativity comes from the Latin word 'natal' which means birth.The tradition of Nativity plays began in churches where they were used to illustrate the Christmas story as told in the Bible.

St Francis is said to have created the first Nativity performance in Italy in about 1223. In those days, many people were unable to read or write, so they couldn't read the Christmas story in the bible themselves. Also many of the church services were in Latin which they didn't understand.

St Francis decided to change all that. He wanted not only to tell the story of the first Christmas, but to show people what it must have been like on that night in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. He set up a nativity scene. He got hold of some live animals, a manger and some hay. Then he asked people from his village to take the parts of Mary and Joseph and the Shepherds.

It is traditional in theUKfor children from Foundation to Year 3 in Primary schools to perform Nativity Play for the parents and local people associated with the school in Christmas.

Nativity Play 是再现耶稣在马厩出生场景以及讲述牧羊人和东方三贤士朝拜耶稣故事的戏剧,被称为“耶稣诞生剧”。Nativity 这个词来自拉丁文的 natal,是“出生”的意思。耶稣诞生剧最初在教堂演出。教会以戏剧形式来讲圣经故事。








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