The Economist 词汇解析(19)

作者: 六十度冰 | 来源:发表于2016-12-27 21:51 被阅读175次

    本期原文选自The Economist 2016-12-24的文章The year of Brexit and Trump,释义来自牛津高阶七版等资源。中文译文可以参照商论。如果您也在学习The Economist,欢迎订阅我的文集The Economist,一起学习交流。

    The year of Brexit and Trump

    2016 in charts

    Despite the Brexit vote, growth in Britain outpaced【1】 the euro area, again. America’s steady recovery continued, while Japan’s faltered【2】. China’s slowdown【3】 was stately.



    【3】slowdown 放缓,减速

    After staying steady for months as fewer of the unemployed left the labour force, America’s unemployment rate is falling again【4】. In the euro area, it remains close to【5】 10%.


    After staying steady for…, is falling again.



    remains close to维持在接近……

    In America, annual consumer-price inflation approached【6】 2%. Elsewhere too, higher oil prices and a stronger dollar nudged prices up【7】, though Japan still flirts with【8】 deflation.


    【7】nudge prices up推高价格;nudge本义是(用肘)轻推

    【8】flirt with sth冒险,不顾危险后果(这里是指日本仍处于通货紧缩边缘)

    Some analysts declared an end to the 30-year bull market in government bonds as yields picked up【9】 at last, most notably after Donald Trump’s election victory. They may be premature【10】.

    【9】pick up好转,改善,增长;名词为pickup (in sth)


    The oil price spiked【11】 after OPEC in November agreed to cut output. Gold’s advance was stemmed by the American election. China’s economic resilience【12】 bolstered the copper price.


    【12】economic resilience/economic upturn经济回升

    It was a good year for investors in emerging market equities【13】, and in America, especially after Donald Trump’s victory. Foreign investors in British equities were hit by the weak【14】 pound.



    The pound was pummelled【15】 by Brexit; the dollar boosted by expectations of the Trump presidency. China spent some of its reserves to slow the yuan’s depreciation against the dollar【16】.


    【16】yuan’s depreciation against the dollar人民币对美元的贬值

    The Donald Trump effect thumped【17】 the Mexican peso. Other emerging-market currencies flailed【18】, including Turkey’s and Malaysia’s. The oil-reliant rouble bucked the trend【19】.



    【19】buck the trend逆势上扬;buck抵制,反抗

    To catch holders of “black money”, first India and then Venezuela courted chaos【20】 by cancelling high-denomination banknotes【21】. The Venezuelan bolívar was already worthless【22】.

    【20】court chaos引发混乱

    【21】cancelling high-denomination banknotes废止高面值纸币


    【23】demonetization 使货币废止流通,禁止流通


    1. 表示推高的词:nudge up, bolster, boost

    2. 表示遏制的词:stem

    3. 表示增长上扬的词:spike, buck the trend, pick up, outpace

    4. 表示下降放缓的词:slowdown, falter, fall

    5. 表示稳定或接近的词: staying steady, remain close to, approach

    6. 表示打击的词:hit, thump, pummel

    7. 关于货币的词:high-denomination banknotes, depreciation, worthless, weak

    8. 其它词:flirt: with, court chaos, premature, equities, flail




        本文标题:The Economist 词汇解析(19)
