266 每日英语

作者: 梅花之子 | 来源:发表于2019-08-05 19:58 被阅读62次
    266 每日英语

    bandwagon noun 风靡的活动;时尚The World Cup bandwagon is starting to roll.世界杯足球赛热潮即将涌起。

    IDM climb/jump on the bandwagon 赶时髦 politicians eager to jump on the bandwagon of the environment 即将随大流加入环保行列的政客们

    bandy adj. 向外弯曲的;罗圈的 to be bandy-legged 是罗圈腿

    verb 与...争吵;发生口角

    bandy sth about/around 传播;散布

    His name was bandied about as a future prime minister.人们纷纷传说他是未来的首相。

    bane noun 造成困扰的事物

    The neighbors’ kids are the bane of my life.  街坊邻居的孩子让我的生活不安宁。

    bang verb 1 猛敲;砸

    The baby was banging the table with his spoon. 小孩用调羹敲打着桌子。

    2 碰地关上

    Don’t bang the door when you go out.




        本文标题:266 每日英语
