

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-02-22 07:41 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    英文系主任 金智允博士
    恭喜 比尔敬上
    牛X系主任 专治各种傻X
    What the fuck? 什么鬼
    Ah! There she is. 她来了
    - Woman of the hour. - Morning. - 我们的风云女人 - 早上好
    - Hey. - Ah, condolences. - 好啊 - 为你默哀
    - Oh, thank you. Where's Joan? - I don't know. - 多谢了 琼去哪了 - 我不知道
    Welcome back, everyone. 欢迎回来 各位
    Here's a little swag from Dean Larson. 这里有一些拉森院长送的小礼物
    - Our first lady chair. - Woman chair. - 我们的第一任淑女主任 - 是妇女主任
    Aren't you gonna sit at the head of the table? 你不坐主座吗
    Chair sits at the head of the table. 主任要坐主座
    Thank you, Elliot. 谢谢你 埃利奥特
    Don't mind if I do. 我过去了 别介意
    Is this green or brown? 这是绿的还是棕的
    Let's try this again. It's lovely to see you all. 我们重来 很高兴见到你们大家
    In a couple of minutes, we'll know if that was right. 几分钟后 我们就知道吃的对不对了
    Okay, first order of business... 好了 当务之急是...
    Bill's not here. 比尔没来
    Maybe we could cut him some slack, given his situation. 考虑到他现在的状况 也许我们可以放他一马
    Bill is sending his daughter off to college. 他女儿上大学 比尔去送机了
    He'll be here any minute. 他随时会来
    Get your shit together. 好好振作起来
    I'm gone now, 我现在要走了
    and that's the way it's gonna be for the rest of your life. 可能你下半辈子都要这样一个人了
    Um, you're not... gone. 你又不是... 不回来了
    Yes, I am. 是的 我不会在家了
    And what happened, happened. 已经发生的 就是发生了
    The time when people were, like, 有人给你在家里留炖菜
    leaving casseroles and whatever at the house, it's over. 还有其他什么东西的日子 一去不复返了
    Okay. Are you finished? 好吧 你说完了吗
    - Yes, I'm done. - Okay. - 说完了 - 行
    I'm not gonna miss you. 我不会想你的
    I'm just gonna miss this guy and this guy. 我只会想念这个小酒窝 还有这个小酒窝
    - Stop. - Goodbye to you and you. - 别搞了 - 跟你说再见 还有你
    Uh-huh, okay. 哈哈 行了
    Go. Get outta here. 走吧 赶紧走
    - Text me when you land. - Okay, stalker. - 落地了跟我发信息 - 知道了 跟踪狂
    I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. We are in dire crisis. 我不会粉饰事实 我们正处在可怕的危机中
    Enrollments are down more than 30%. 选课率下降了三成以上
    Our budget is being gutted. 我们的预算快耗尽了
    It feels like the sea 就像是海水
    is washing the ground out from under our feet. 正在冲刷走我们脚下的土地
    But in these unprecedented times, 但是在这个史无前例的时代
    we have to prove that what we do in the classroom... 我们必须证明我们在课堂上教的...
    ...modeling critical thinking, ...塑造批判性思维
    stressing the value of empathy, 强调共情的价值
    is more important than ever, 比以往任何时候都更重要
    and has value to the public good. 且对公共利益有价值
    It's true, we can't teach our students coding or engineering. 诚然 我们没法教学生编程或工程学
    What we teach them cannot be quantified 我们教的东西无法被量化
    or put down on a resume as a skill. 也无法作为一项技能为简历增彩
    But let us have pride 但让我们为
    in what we can offer future generations. 能给予后代的东西感到自豪
    We need to remind these young people 我们需要提醒这些年轻人
    that knowledge doesn't just come from spreadsheets or... 知识不仅仅来源于电子数据表或者...
    or Wiki entries. 维基百科词目
    Hey, I was thinking this morning about our tech-addled culture, 今天早上我在想我们沉迷科技的文化
    and... and how our students are 还有... 我们的学生是如何
    hyperconnected 24 hours a day, 一天二十四小时不下线的
    and I was reminded of something, um, Harold Bloom wrote. 我想起了哈罗德·布鲁姆写过的
    He said, 他说
    "Information is endlessly available to us. "我们能获取的信息是无穷无尽的
    Where shall wisdom be found?" 那智慧何处可以寻得呢"
    They moved my office to the basement under the gym. 他们把我的办公室搬到了健身房下面的地下室
    What? 什么
    All my books, my... my stuff, 我所有的书 我的... 我的东西
    my drawers, dumped into these open carts 我的抽屉 都被扔进了
    that are sitting on the 地下室
    floor of the basement over there right now. 现在躺在地板上的大篷车里
    Why would they do that? 他们为什么要这么做
    I heard a rumor. 我听到一个传闻
    They're forcing everybody over 55 to take early retirement. 他们要强迫五十五岁以上的人提前退休
    This is the beginning of the end. 这就是末日的开端
    Okay, people. People, let's try not to panic. 好了 大家 大家尽量先别恐慌
    Well, it's easy for you to say. You're 51. 你说得轻巧 你才五十一岁
    I'm 46. 我四十六岁
    You're kidding. 你说笑的吧
    I want to make you this promise. 我向你们保证
    I will not allow this department to be ransacked. 我不会允许这个系被洗劫的
    This is a list of names. 这是一份名单
    These folks have the highest salaries and 你们系的这些人拿着最高的薪水
    lowest enrollments in your department. 选课率却最低
    I'm sorry to spring this on you your first week. 抱歉 你第一周来 就跟你说这事
    There's no one here who's dispensable. 这里所有人都很重要
    Oh, come on. These old-timers? 算了吧 这些老家伙吗
    They're averaging five students a course. 他们平均每门课五个学生
    I mean, I'm not denying 我没有否认
    their profound contribution to American letters, but... 他们对美国文学的深远贡献 但是...
    very generous retirement packages, and... 十分丰厚的退休金和...
    So, before I bring out the stick, 所以 在我使用强硬手段之前
    maybe you could use your persuasive powers as chair. 或许你能发挥 作为主任的劝说能力
    I've got some ideas on how to increase enrollments. 我想到了几个提高选课率的点子
    Now, Yasmin McKay is up for tenure this year. 今年雅丝敏·麦凯要申任终身教职
    I wanted to talk to you 我之前就想和你谈
    about giving her the Distinguished Lectureship. 关于授予她杰出讲师的事
    We can't talk about opening any lines, 我们别说什么场面话
    or the Distinguished Lectureship. 或者杰出讲师了
    Student enrollment was down before. 之前学生选课率已经下降了
    Now it's catastrophic. 现在简直是灾难性的
    Is that why you put Joan in the basement of the wellness center? 所以你才把琼打发到健康中心的地下室里吗
    How'd that happen? Oh, let me talk to Deb. 怎么会这样 我和戴卜谈谈
    Now, listen. I know you, um... 现在 听着 我知道你...
    I know you had big plans for this year. 我知道你今年想搞大事
    I know this place is antiquated. A lumbering dinosaur. 我知道这里太老旧 像块笨重的恐龙化石
    But you remember when I... 但你记得当我...
    when I called you, told you you had tenure? 当我给你打电话 告诉你获得终身教职时
    Remember what I said? 记得我说了什么吗
    If anyone can bring Pembroke into the 21st century, 如果有人能带领彭布罗克走进二十一世纪
    it is you. 那个人一定是你
    I just need three names. 我只需要三个名字
    美国文学概览 第一次写作任务 周三
    Is this Sex and the Novel? 这节课是性与小说吗
    Oh, no, this is Survey of American Letters 不是 这里是一八五零至一九一八年
    1850 to 1918! 美国文学概览
    My office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:00, 我的答疑时间是周二和周四下午一点到两点
    but you can really come anytime because I basically live here. 但你们随时可以来 因为我基本住在这里
    Oh! If any of you are on the wait list, shoot me an email. 如果你们中有人在候补名单上 给我发邮件
    Hey. Thank you so much for agreeing to chair my tenure case. 非常感谢您同意主持 我的终身教职提案
    - Ji-Yoon just gave me the news. - Sure. - 智允刚告诉我这个消息 - 没事
    Are... Are you okay? 你还好吗
    Why'd she schedule two American Lit courses at the same time? 她为什么要在同时段 安排两节美国文学课程
    Oh, uh, I don't know. 呃 我不知道
    Maybe she thought that our content was different enough. 可能她觉得我们的课程内容很不一样
    Sex and the Novel? That's what you're calling this? 性与小说 你的课叫这个吗
    Yeah. 是的
    You know, actually, I have a list of external reviewers. 事实上 我列了份外部评审员的名单
    Where is it? Shoot, did I... 放哪了 糟糕 我是不是...
    Between you and me, he's on the list. 他在名单上 这事就你知我知
    What list? 什么名单
    What if we combined your sections? 如果我们把你的部分合并进来呢
    You want me to co-teach with 你想让我和我的
    the chair of my tenure committee? 终身教职委员会主席共同教学吗
    I want him to see you in action in the classroom. 我想让他看到你在课堂上的表现
    He's gonna think I'm his TA. 他会觉得我是他助教
    There's no way he's gonna be able to dismiss you 当他见识到你有多聪明后
    when he sees how fuckin' brilliant you are! 就绝不会让你走的
    I already set my syllabus, so... 我已经写好教学大纲了 所以...
    Listen, when Bill was an undergrad, 听着 比尔还是本科生的时候
    Elliot was the one who packed the halls here. 埃利奥特的课能让教室里座无虚席 人满为患
    You couldn't even get into his lectures 没有特别许可
    without special permission unless you... 你甚至进不了他的讲堂 除非你...
    Yeah, and he hasn't updated those lectures in like 30 years. 是啊 他有三十年没更新过那些课了
    Still. 尽管如此
    He makes or breaks careers. 他的事业成败在此一举
    Yaz, 雅兹
    I get it. When I started, it was like, 我懂 刚开始的时候 周围都是
    "Why's some Asian lady "为什么有个亚洲女人
    艾米莉·狄金森是著名美国诗人 擅长"信诗"
    teaching Emily Dickinson?" 要来教艾米莉·狄金森"
    But we have a real opening here. 但我们这里的确有空缺
    You're going up for tenure. 你会获得终身教职的
    I... I'm chair of this department. 我是这个系的主任
    The dean has my back, 院长会支持我
    so let's just get your case through, 所以让我们先拿到你的终身教职
    and then let's fucking shake this place up. 然后再闹他个天翻地覆




