每日英语第440期:prenup 婚前协议

每日英语第440期:prenup 婚前协议

作者: 四十九年非 | 来源:发表于2019-04-13 20:42 被阅读6次

今天我们要讲的这个词可能生活中并不太常见,但在影视剧中经常听到:prenup -- 婚前协议。

每日英语第440期:prenup 婚前协议

Prenup是个缩略形式,完整的说法是:prenuptial agreement,可以缩写成PNA,法律术语中这种拉丁语很多,翻译成英语是:premarital agreement.

The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of divorce or breakup of marriage. 主要内容包含离婚后“财产分割”和“配偶赡养”等内容,所以中文也可以翻译成“婚前(财产)协议”。

每日英语第440期:prenup 婚前协议

While the celebrity buzz of the week is that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin were secretly married earlier this week, the even bigger news is that they may not have signed a prenuptial agreement. With Justin’s net worth estimated at $265 million and Hailey’s at $2 million, that's a tremendous imbalance of wealth. (Forbes, Sep 18, 2018)

福布斯对Justin Bieber未签婚前财产协议大为震惊。


有很多古怪滑稽的prenup,例如很多有钱人的婚前协议中不仅严格规定了一旦离婚的财产分割方案,还有详细的“出轨条款“with scandalous details.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

The couple reportedly had a prenup that said that she would receive $3 million for every year that they were married, which couldn’t exceed $33 million, and if they would have stayed married for 11 years before getting divorced, she would have received half of his money. However, when they split, she only walked away with child support in the amount of $400,000 per year for their daughter Suri.




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    本文标题:每日英语第440期:prenup 婚前协议
