Self-Appraisal /自我评价
Reference: available upon requests.
这个要注意了,可以提供不要硬翻,available 可以说传神又简洁。
Overall Profile: a self-starter, strong team player, quick learner, innovative thinker and aggressive leader.
Versatility & Viability: feel perfectly comfortable working under pressure or meeting tight deadlines; equally capable of working independently or as a part of team; prefer to think out of the box rather than blindly follow a beaten track in helping grow a business or deliver a program; have a proven track record of building a network from scratch or leveraging meaningful partnerships to expand business presence;
versatility ,多功能性;多才多艺;用途广泛
viability, 生存能力,发育能力;可行性
但是这两个词语放在一起对应的就是中文的工作能力。英文中,有时候为了节奏感会使用叠词,比如vigor and vitality, twists and turns.
feel comfortable with something/doing something, 第一个意思是能够适应,相当于adapt to;第二个意思是同意,相当于agree; 比如I feel perfectly comfortable with what you said.这里取第一个意思。
working under pressure or meeting tight deadlines,在压力之下工作或者赶进度,取一个就可以了,英文表述比较具体。但是汉语中有压力就包括了赶进度。
think out of the box, 开拓创新,独具一格。
blindly follow a beaten track, 墨守陈规。
have a proven track record,经验丰富,有良好记录;这里的 proven 在英文中很形象,也可以替换为 excellent, strong; 在汉语中当作一个修饰的虚指词给处理了。
from scratch, 从零开始,这里处理成开拓新业务。
leverage meaningful partnership to expand business presence,利用良好的合作关系扩大公司业务;重点在扩大公司业务,英文为了结构完整,加进去了 leverage meaningful partnership 这个表达。
Skill / Assets: strong organizational ,presentational and inter-personal skills as well as a trademark " can do " spirit come as my personal assets needed to translate know-how and know - who into real benefits for an organization;
presentational skills, 表达能力。
“can do” spirit,自信心;前面的trade mark 也是为了英文表达加进来的。
Commitments: have a strong faith in meeting and exceeding expectations , from both inside and outside of an organization , as a contributing member of a team;
faith,信心,信仰;in good faith, 出于好意;in bad faith, 出于恶意,故意地;religious faith, 宗教信仰。但是这个词在这里非核心实词,重点在后面的meeting and exceeding expectations 该怎么处理;超越预期,就是客户没有想到的,你提前帮人想到了的意思;这里的客户也是根据简历这个特殊文体加进来的,写简历肯定是要进入企业帮助客户处理问题。
from both inside and outside of an organization, inside好理解,就是企业;关键是outside,企业之外,那还是客户。启示,汉语里我们会这么说,但是英文表达又是另外一回事。多看以上双语,注意的语义对等,而非单词对照。
Management Vision: trust in "leading by examples" rather than simply "showing the way" ;choose hands-on approaches over hands-off ones as I personally don't believe " the best management is no management at all "; rather the best management may well be defined by stepping in at the right time, right place.
choose--over--, 选---而不是---,后面的而不是--的英文部分,也是为了性温加进去的,对应汉语就没必要再说一遍。
the best management may well be defined ,may well be defined 也非实词,重点是后面的内容。
right time, right place,适时,适地。也可处理为,天时地利。
well, it's just right time, right place.天时地利人和。
All systems are ready. 万事俱备,只欠东风。只欠东风,在汉语里作为一个附属的词尾,对应英文就没必要翻译。
Leadership development: have a demonstrated record of leading a diverse team to get things done for high - profile events and programs; leading a 6-member team the has achieved measurable results in the segmented training sector and seeking meaningful ways to motivate them to scale new heights amid growing challenges and uncertainty down the line.
have a demonstrated record of 非核心词,也可以处理成虚词。
to scale new heights ,再接再厉,再创辉煌。
To widen your view as far as 1000 miles, please scale another flight of stairs. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。
down the line , in the future, 将来,未来。