Meat fried balsam pear with agaric and eggs 肉炒苦瓜木耳加鸡蛋
Specialty dish 拿手好菜First cook the eggs. Then boil balsam pear and agaric in the boiling water. Next cook pieces of meat with oil ,onion,ginger,garlic,soy sauce and salt. At last stir frying them together.
I have tried to cook them. It's very delicious. It's good for our bodies. It's suitable in four seasons.
Specialty dish 拿手好菜先把鸡蛋炒熟;然后把苦瓜木耳用开水过出;再把猪肉片用油,葱,姜,蒜,盐和酱油 烹饪;最后把过出的苦瓜,木耳和炒熟的鸡蛋放进去和肉片混炒一会儿即可食用。
这道菜美味可口,四季适宜,对人体好处多多! 晨研简书 2019年6月16日
Specialty dish 拿手好菜