
作者: 舒己怀_Frank | 来源:发表于2020-09-04 09:36 被阅读0次

作者: 李白
翻译: 舒己怀

明月出天山 蒼茫雲海間
長風幾萬裏 吹度玉門關
漢下白登道 胡窺青海灣
由來征戰地 不見有人還
戍客望邊邑 思歸多苦顏
高樓當此夜 嘆息未應閒

The Moon at Fortress Maintain

Authored by Li Bai
Translated by Frank Wang

The bright moon breaks and rises above the Heavenly Mountain
Abreast of a vast ocean of cloud

After travelled many miles from the mainland
Winds still pass the Jade Fortress unbowed

Baideng Mountain, where the Han troop was besieged
Qinghai Bay, where the Tubo has long yearned

Ever since it has become the battleground
Few have been seen homebound

When they see nearby villages
soldiers cannot stop thinking of their homes

In there, in such a long night
Their wives must have climbed up, watching and Sighing


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