外刊双语 | 《毒液》被剪辑坏了……

外刊双语 | 《毒液》被剪辑坏了……

作者: 福州翻译Ivy | 来源:发表于2018-11-21 21:19 被阅读8次



    Film review: Venom


    近期这个电影似乎评价还不错 来看看扭腰时报有什么不同的观点 

    Venom /'vɛnəm/: N-MASS The venom of a creature such as a snake or spider is the poison that it puts into your body when it bites or stings you. (蛇或蜘蛛等分泌的) 毒液;


    N-UNCOUNT You can use venom to refer to someone's feelings of great bitterness and anger toward someone. 怨恨,恶毒,比如某人表情恶毒:A look of pure venom

    However tough your job may be at the moment, you can take comfort in the knowledge that it could be worse: you could be a publicist working for Sony Pictures. The studio’s latest would-be blockbuster, Venom, features an alien monster from the Spider-Man comics, who appeared as the villain in Sam Raimi’s third Spidey film. A few days ago, however, an interviewer asked Hardy to nominate the film’s best scene. “Things that weren’t in the movie,” Hardy replied. He went onto explain that his favourite “30 to 40 minutes” were edited out: “Mad puppeteering scenes. Dark comedy scenes ... They just never made it in.”

    无论你现在的工作有多艰难,你应该感到庆幸的是还有更糟糕的工作:索尼影业(Sony Pictures)当公关。该公司最新打造大片《毒液:致命守护者》。电影的主角是《蜘蛛侠》漫画中的外星怪物,也是山姆·雷米(Sam Raimi)导演的第三部蜘蛛侠电影中的反派角色。然而,几天前,一位采访者要求哈迪推荐这部电影的最佳镜头。“被剪掉的那些,”哈迪回答。他接着解释说,他最喜欢的三、四十分钟被删掉了:"疯狂的木偶戏镜头、黑色喜剧场景…...他们都没放入电影里。"

    Blockbuster: informal a book or film that is very good or successful轰动一时的书籍[电影], 好莱坞似乎是大片的代名词,所以这个词常与Hollywood绑在一起,比如:The latest Hollywood blockbuster;

    would-be这个组合词相当好用:someone who hopes to have a particular job or intends to do a particular thing想当演员的人/企图行凶的人等,比如:would-be actor/murderer etc

    feature这里是用作及物动词:V-T When something such as a film or exhibition features a particular person or thing, they are an important part of it. (电影等) 由…主演; (展览会等) 以…为重点,

    如果要表达某电影由某明星主演,可以直接说that movie features XXX ,比如:

    It's a great film and it features a Spanish actor who is going to be a world star within a year. 那是一部精彩的电影,它由一位西班牙演员主演,他一年之内就会成为国际明星。

    The film featured Brando as the Godfather. 这部影片由白兰度主演教父。

    也可以用star来替换:[I] if someone stars in a film, television show etc, they are one of the main characters in it 〔在电影、电视节目等中〕担任主角,主演/ [T] if a film, television show, or play stars someone, that person is one of the main characters in it由…担任主角,由…主演;

    Nominate的翻译要“因地制宜”,比如最近的金马奖,谁得到了提名,就是用nominate, 但这里显然不是提名,这时候就要去看下英英释义:

    to officially suggest someone or something for an important position, duty, or prize提名,推荐,


    In the circumstances, any negative review might seem superfluous, because it could hardly be more damning than the assessment made by the film’s own leading man. But it’s easy to see what prompted Hardy’s complaint. Venom is obviously the victim of some brutal editing, and the derivative, sketchily plotted B-movie that’s left is as scrappy and hurried as a trailer.



    Superfluous:more than is needed or wanted多余的,过剩的,不必要的,如果感觉自己与某处格格不入,感觉自己是多余的,也可以用这个词:My presence at the party was superfluous.

    Derivative作为形容词本身是有贬义的意味在的:not new or invented, but copied or taken from something else – used to show disapproval非独创的,模仿他人的,抄袭的〔含贬义〕,比如:

    a derivative text 依样画葫芦的文章


    Sketchy: not thorough or complete, and not having enough details to be useful不完全的,粗略的,简略的,

    Scrappy:ADJ If you describe something as scrappy, you disapprove of it because it seems to be badly planned or messy. 计划不周的; 散乱的。这个词让我想起杜拉拉第一次被黄立行拉去开会,记录meeting minutes时的那种感觉,她的这次会议记录一定可以用这个词来形容:Scrappy notes

    本段的这些表达都get起来哦~ 跟老外聊电影再也不怕没词用


    We finish with a fight between two snarling CGI behemoths, a predictable but mercilessly brief punch-up that brings back memories of 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. That film, you might recall, was positioned as the first episode in a long-running franchise, but no sequels were ever made. It’s unlikely that any Venom sequels will be made, either.

    一场战斗结束了这部电影。在两个咆哮的CGI电脑特效巨兽之间可预见但残酷的短暂打斗,让人想起2008年的《无敌浩克》(The Incredible Hulk)。你可能还记得,那部电影被定位为一部长期上映的系列电影的第一集,但再没拍过续集。《毒液:致命守护者》恐怕也不太可能拍任何续集。


    V-I When an animal snarls, it makes a fierce, rough sound in its throat while showing its teeth. (动物) 露齿嗥叫,比如:

    He raced ahead up into the bush, barking and snarling. 它向前冲进了树丛,又吠又嗥叫的。

    franchise :[ C ] a series of films that have the same or similar titles and are about the same characters,比如蜘蛛侠系列电影:the "Spiderman" movie franchise

    We finish with a fight between two snarling CGI behemoths, a predictable but mercilessly brief punch-up that brings back memories of 2008’s The Incredible Hulk.


    1. 虽然主语是We, 但汉语绝对不会说“我们用一场打斗结束了这场电影”,所以要把它“本土化”,可以是官译的“一场打斗结束了这场电影”,也可以是“这部电影的最后是一场打斗”。

    2. 可以看到fight有一个不算短的介词短语修饰,可以结合最后的定语从句,把这后半部分处理成一个句子。



        本文标题:外刊双语 | 《毒液》被剪辑坏了……
