荐书 | 一个人的朝圣

作者: 福州翻译Ivy | 来源:发表于2018-10-26 20:33 被阅读23次

    前段时间断断续续地读完了这本书。主人公Harold Fry拿着不多的退休工资,跟每天朝夕相处的妻子形同陌路,过着平静乏味的生活。突然有一天,他收到多年未联系的老友Queenie的信件,对方在信中称自己得了癌症,命不久矣。Harold本来只是想回一封信给她,结果他出门寄信,走过了一个又一个邮筒,都没有把信投递出去,最终徒步600英里去看望Queenie。他坚信只要自己一直在路上,Queenie就不会死。

    所以,虽然书名中pilgrimage原意是“朝圣”,中译名也是《一个人的朝圣》,但这本书的内容却完全与宗教无关,我想这里的取义应该是:A pilgrimage is a trip that someone makes to a place that is very important to them. (去重要地方的) 出行




    This novel begins with the arrival of an unexpected letter and an impulsive act. When Harold Fry, a timid man in his later years, discovers that a former friend and colleague is seriously ill, he sets out with the intention of posting her a letter but instead embarks on 600-mile walk from Devon to Berwick-upon-Tweed. He believes that in some way his journey will help his friend to live. Without maps or waterproofs and only yachting shoes on his feet, he walks and walks, while his wife Maureen waits at home; at first she is angered by what she perceives as abandonment but eventually his distance allows her emotions to resurface. She remembers her husband as he once was and everything he once meant to her.



    in one's later years: 晚年;

    embark on....:to start something, especially something new, difficult, or exciting开始,着手〔尤指新的、困难的或令人激动的事〕;

    resurface: V-I If something such as an idea or problem resurfaces, it becomes important or noticeable again. (思想或问题)再次变得重要; 重新引人注意;


    As the novel begins, we are introduced to Harold and Maureen Fry. They live a simple life in a small English village.  Harold is newly retired from the brewery, where he held the same job for 45 years.Life for them is quiet. Almost too quiet, except for the difficult relationship the two of them share.  It almost seems as if they are done with each other, especially when the communication between them is fraught with silence and irritation.  One morning, Harold receives a letter in a pink envelope.  It's from an old work friend, Queenie Hennessey. They haven't spoken in 20 years, and now she writes to tell him she is about to die.  The letter affects Harold in a curious way and seems to stir the apathy into which he has settled.

    Worried that Maureen will comment or judge (Maureen appears to be a bit of a sourpuss), he pens a reply and sets off to the mailbox.  Except, he doesn't mail the letter.  He decides to keep walking to the next postbox and then the next, until he ends up at a gas station, where a young cashier changes his life forever. Clad in a windbreaker and 'yachting shoes', Harold continues to walk further away from home (and closer to Queenie), setting off on a journey—a pilgrimage—that neither he, nor any reader, will ever forget.



    be fraught with:full of problems etc充满问题/困难/危险等,比如:

    Their marriage has been fraught with difficulties. 他们的婚姻困难重重。 

    apathy:the feeling of not being interested in something, and not willing to make any effort to change or improve things 漠然,冷淡,比如:

    The campaign failed because of public apathy.由于公众反应冷淡,这次运动失败了。

    sourpuss:someone who complains a lot and is never happy or satisfied性情乖戾的人,满腹牢骚的人;

    pen用作动词:to write something such as a letter, a book etc, especially using a pen〔尤指用钢笔〕写;

    Clad: ADJ If you are clad in particular clothes, you are wearing them. 身着…服装的,比如:

    Johnson was clad casually in slacks and a light blue golf shirt.约翰逊随意地穿着一条休闲裤和一件淡蓝色的高尔夫衬衫。


    From inside the house the phone began toring, and her heart leaped to her mouth.


    关键表达:one's heart leaps to one's mouth , 也可写作heart in one's mouth(心提到嗓子眼儿)。可以用这个词组来形容坐飞机的紧张心情:

    When the plane was about to take off, my heart was in my mouth飞机准备起飞时,我紧张的要命。

    Her face was knotted with concentration.


    关键表达:knot [I,T] if a muscle or other part of your body knots, or is knotted, it feels tight and uncomfortable(使)〔肌肉〕暴突,(使)〔身体某部位〕紧揪


    Fear and anxiety knotted her stomach. 恐惧和焦虑使她感到腹部痉挛。


    It took every scrap of himself to keep moving when he knew in his heart he could not make it.




    The moon drew into focus,full and high, like a silver coin emerging through water.

    Everyday the sky shone a peerless blue, untouched by cloud.

    The sky was so clear and black, it throbbed with stars, and the moonwas losing its fullness once more.

    A storm was coming. Clouds drew up like a hood over the earth, and threw an eerie luminous light over the Blackdown Hills.

    To the east, the cloud tore open and a low belt of polished silver light broke through.

    The air smelled green and full of beginnings.

    At the window, the upper branches and leaves of the tree crushed themselves against the glass.

    To the east the night hadcracked open, revealing a pale band of light that began to climb andfill the sky.


    It's partly a push to not let your life just pass you by, but it's more than that.  It's a critique of our society's ideals of fame and priorities, and a suggestion that our relationships are something to savour and to tend like a beautiful garden.



        本文标题:荐书 | 一个人的朝圣
