
作者: 章磊磊 | 来源:发表于2016-07-29 10:38 被阅读261次

    No matter how successful you are in life and business, success doesn’t give you immunity from humanity. We all have days where we don’t want to get out of bed. But…what happens when this feeling lasts for days or weeks or months? What happens when we feel like we’ve lost purpose and we just want to give up, whether on a career or relationship?


    I’ve identified the seven things you need to do when you feel like giving up.


    Go Back To ‘Why’


    As Simon Sinek says, it starts with ‘why.’ Occasionally, we start with one vision in mind and end up moving so far away from why we started a business, job or relationship in the first place that we end up lost and questioning our decisions and actions. Maybe you can’t remember the last time you were happy. Perhaps your big colorful picture of where you wanted to head has slowly turned to black and white. Get back that clarity! Every 90 days revisit your big ‘why’ to ensure you’re on track and achieving what you want.

    就像西蒙 西尼克所说,得先找找“为什么”。有时候,起初在我们心里都有一个关于事业、工作、感情的美好愿景,但是最后的结果却与我们的愿景相差太远。失败之后,我们就会质疑我们最初的决定,我们的行动。也许你不记得上次上次开心是什么时候。也许在你脑海中的那个五彩缤纷的画面也已经慢慢的变成黑白色。让她变得清晰起来吧。每隔90天就问问自己“为什么”,以确保你走在正确的道路上,以确保你能实现你的目标。

    Learn To Feel Uncomfortable


    Life is not easy nor is it meant to be. We are always facing hurdles and obstacles that we must overcome, which is all part of the journey. If you can accept that things will get tough and it won’t always be roses and sweet-smelling kittens, you’ll get yourself better prepared for what’s to come. When you feel stuck in a rut you must learn to breathe, reset and revisit your goals. What is it that you’re going for in business and in life? A simple readjustment and a brief ‘time out’ can dramatically move you forward like you never thought possible.


    Win Through Persistence


    Winston Churchill said, “If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whack.” Persistence is the key if you want to win. I’ve felt like giving up many times during my entrepreneurial journey and the persistence to make things happen has kept me going. Understanding and truly believing that persistence delivers results will keep you moving forward.

    温斯顿·丘吉尔 说过,“要是你有一件重要的事情要去做,不要试着去洞察一切,或者是自作聪明,用你满腔的干劲儿,做第一次,不行就回到原点,再试一次,或者做第三次----或者很多次。”要是你想要取得胜利,坚持才是最重要的。在我创业期间我觉得我放弃了很多次,但是是坚持不懈的去做才让我获得的成功。真正的了解,真正的相信坚持不懈会让你不断前进。

    Share Your Goals


    You wake up and decide that today is the day you’ll quit smoking. You start the morning strong, but don’t want to mention it to anyone at work in case you feel like one at afternoon tea. Find an ‘accountability buddy’ to keep you on track. Sure, this is scary, but it ensures you deliver on your promise to yourself. Make sure the other person will show you some tough love. This will keep you honest and continually taking action.


    Acknowledge Challenges


    Oh yes, there will be tough times – but you already know this. When you feel like giving up because it’s too tough, it’s not a surprise as you knew the journey wouldn’t be full of rainbows and bunnies. Acknowledge the challenge, embrace it, learn what you can and power on!


    Get Happy


    We all get in a funk every now and again. That’s just the way we’re built. But, instead of lying on the sofa eating ice cream out of the tub and putting on your favorite sitcom, get happy! Think back to the last time you were really thriving in your life. Think about what you were doing and make that happen again!


    Be Proud


    Sometimes we forget to stop and smell the flowers. Along those lines, we also forget to celebrate the victories our efforts have created. Be proud of where you have come from and what you’ve achieved. Every 90 days, review the last three months, and soak up your achievements no matter how small they are.


    The next time you feel like giving up, ask yourself if you’ve done everything possible in your current situation to maximize the opportunity. Have you experienced all the learnings, happiness and pain associated with what you want to achieve? If the answer is no, then keep going until you have!




