Holes 《别有洞天》试读 (续)

Holes 《别有洞天》试读 (续)

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2020-05-21 14:49 被阅读0次



It was still dark. The only light came from the moon and the stars, more stars than Stanley had ever seen before. It seemed he had only just gotten to sleep when Mr.Pendanski came in and woke everyone up.

Using all his might, he brought the shovel back down onto the dry lake bed. The force stung his hands but made no impression on the earth. (描写细致) He wondered if he had a defective shovel. He glanced at Zero,about fifteen feet away, who scooped out a shovelful of dirt and dumped it on a pile that was already almost a foot tall.



The shovels were kept in a shed near the showers. They all looked the same to Stanley, although X-Ray had his own special shovel, which no one else was allowed to use. X-Ray claimed it was shorter than theothers, but if it was, it was only by a fraction of an inch.

工具棚里的铁锹虽然都差不多,但 X-Ray 却已标记了自己专有的工具,因为它短上那么一英寸,2.5厘米左右。侧面说出挖坑这活是真非人类(因为挖坑的大小深度均以铁锹来衡量)。

"What are we supposed to be looking for?" Stanley asked him.

"You're not looking for anything. You're digging to build character. It's just if you find anything, the Warden would like to know about it."


He leaned on the shaft and pried up his first shovelful of dirt, then dumped it off to the side.

Only ten million more to go, he thought, then placed the shovel back in the crack and jumped on it again.

这一段豹豹读着都手疼,想起听podcast也会给自己倒数计数。还没一会儿小主人公就出血泡了a blister had formed in the middle of his right thumb, and it hurt to hold the shovel.


年轻时great-great-grandfather喜欢上了一个姑娘,可惜一个养猪大户也喜欢。姑娘的父亲说至少要有一头肥猪下聘,这难为死了Elya Yelnats(高曾祖父)。

"I will trade you my fattest pig for your daughter," Igor (the pig farmer的名字)offered.

"And what have you got?" Myra's father asked Elya.

"A heart full of love," said Elya.

"I'd rather have a fat pig," said Myra's father.



"Good," said Madame Zeroni. "You're too young to get married. You've got your whole life ahead of you."

"But I love Myra."

"Myra's head is as empty as a flowerpot."

"But she's beautiful."

"So is a flowerpot. Can she push a plow? Can she milk a goat? No, she is too delicate. Can she have an intelligent conversation? No, she is silly and foolish. Will she take care of you when you are sick? No, she is spoiled and will only want you to take care of her. So, she is beautiful. So what? Ptuui!"


Madame Zeroni warned that if he failed to do this, he and his descendants would be doomed for all of eternity.(永恒,永劫)

At the time, Elya thought nothing of the curse. He was just a fifteen-year-old kid, and"eternity" didn't seem much longer than a week from Tuesday.



"Where are we supposed to go to the bathroom?" he asked Magnet.

Magnet gestured with his arms to the great expanse around them. "Pick a hole, any hole," he said.

哪里有"卫生间"?---随便挖个洞,当然要注意make sure nothing's living in it.莫名想起罗尔德大爷写空军服役时的片段。


It wasn't until the ship had cleared the harbor and was heading out across the Atlantic that he suddenly remembered his promise to carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain. He felt terrible.

He wasn't afraid of the curse. He thought that was a lot of nonsense. He felt bad because he knew Madame Zeroni had wanted to drink from the stream before she died.

因为自己相中的姑娘真的蠢透了,高曾祖父一气之下出海离开了这个地方。当船只离开飘荡海上的时候他想起了他的承诺。倒不是怕诅咒,而是对于Madame Zeroni 这个帮忙的吉普赛人,他有些愧疚。




Stanley tried to figure out what he'd say if Mr. Pendanski asked him what he wanted to do with his life. He used to think he wanted to work for the F.B.I., but this didn't seem the appropriaate place to mention that.


Stanley kept his mouth shut most of the time. He didn't talk too much to any of the boys, afraid that hemight say the wrong thing. They called him Caveman and all that, but he couldn't forget that they weredangerous, too. They were all here for a reason. As Mr. Sir (长官就是让他们这么称呼他,也是笑点)would say, this wasn't a Girl Scout camp.

Doc Hawthorn did not resent Sam. The folks of Green Lake were afraid to take chances. They wouldget regular medicine from Doc Hawthorn and onion concoctions from Sam. After they got over theirillness, no one could be sure, not even Doc Hawthorn, which of the two treatments had done the trick.

Doc Hawthorn was almost completely bald, and in the morning his head often smelled like onions.




如果The Painted Veil和这本书一样好读就好了。




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    本文标题:Holes 《别有洞天》试读 (续)
