Each morning I wake up and say to myself, “Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.”
I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.
Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.
Life is all about choices.
每天早晨起床时 ,我就对自己说:“杰瑞,你今天有两个选择,你可以选择好心情,也可以选择坏心情。”
每次有人过来向我抱怨的生活,我可以选择接受他们 的抱怨,也可以 向他们指出生活积极的一面。我选择生活积极的一面。