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Chandler 爱上了他的女下属 - 看老友记学英语

Chandler 爱上了他的女下属 - 看老友记学英语

作者: 子莯青青 | 来源:发表于2018-07-07 23:12 被阅读20次



1. 内容全面,十季内容涵盖爱情、友情、亲情,工作,生活的各个方面。

2. 人物对白发音标准,吐字清楚,语速适中。

3. 制作精良、演技到位、剧情中正,是一代人内心美好的回忆。

4. 无论看多少遍,都会有新的笑点,让学习变得不无聊。



今天我们来看一下第一季第十六集中的一个场景:Chandler 爱上了他的女下属。


场景一 Chandler便以工作为由约见漂亮女下属Nina。


还正经脸地说:“你影响到了我的 WENUS (做数据分析的专业用语了)。”



Nina: Hi.

Chandler: Hi, Nina.Come on in.

Nina: You wanted to see me?

Chandler: Uh, Yes.Yes. I’ve just been going over your data here, and little thing, you’ve been post-dating your Friday numbers.

Nina: Which is bad, because?

Chandler: Well, it throws my WENUS out of whack.

Nina: Your...excuse me?

Chandler: WENUS.(Coughs) Weekly Estimated Net...

Nina: Oh, Net Usage Statistics, right. Gotcha, gotcha. Won’t happen again. I wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt your... "wenus.


1. out of whack 常用于口语 坏了,不正常了。

E.g. When top predators like sharks disappear from their environments, ecosystems fall out of whack


如果大家还记得,第一季第十三集的时候,当Joey发现自己的老爸出轨时,也说过这样一句话:What a whacky world!什么世道!

2. gotcha /'ɡɑtʃə/ 口语表达 = got you, 明白了。

场景二 效益不景气,公司要辞退Nina



Chandler: Mr. D,how’s it going, sir?

Mr. Douglas: Ohh, it’s been better. The Annual Net Usage Statistics are in.

Chandler: And?

Mr. Douglas: It’s pretty ugly. We haven’t seen an ANUS this bad since the seventies.

Chandler: So what does this mean?

Mr. Douglas: Well, we’regonna be layin’ off people in every department.

Chandler: Hey, listen, I know I came in late last week, but I slept funny, and my hair was very very –

Mr. Douglas: Not you.Relax. Ever have to fire anyone?


lay off 解雇,辞退

E.g. Another 1,000 workers were laid off when the machinery plant was in difficulties. 这家机械厂陷入困境时,又解雇了1 000名工人。

Fire 也有一样的意思. E.g. I’ve just been fired from my job, and I don’t know what to do. 我刚被解雇,不知道该怎么办。

场景三 Chandler不忍心开口,向Nina说慌



Chandler: Nina? Nina.(He goes around his desk to where she is sitting.) Nina. (In pain) Nina.

Nina: Are you okay?

Chandler: (Looking down at her hand) Yes, yes I am. Err, listen, the reason that I called you inhere today was, err... please don’t hate me.

Nina: (Taking her hand away) What?

Chandler: (Suddenly bright) Would you like to have dinner sometime?



Would you like to have dinner sometime?

Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?

Would you like to go for a drink sometime?

场景四 Nina 没走,Chandler向老板说慌


Mr. Douglas: She’s still here.

Chandler: Yes, yes she is. Didn’t I memo you on this? See, after I let her go, err, I got a call from her psychiatrist, Dr. Flanen-nen, Dr. Flanen, Dr. Flan.

Chandler: And err, he informed me that uh, she took the news rather badly, in fact, he uh, mentioned the word frenzy.

Mr. Douglas: You’rekidding? She seems so...

Chandler: In fact, if you asked her right now, she would have no recollection of being fired at all, none at all.

Mr. Douglas: That’s unbelievable.

Chandler: And yet,believable. So I decided not to fire her again until I can be assured that she will be no threat to herself, or others.

Mr. Douglas: I see. I guess you never really know what’s goin’ on inside a person’s head.

Chandler: Well, I guess that’s why they call it psychology, sir.


1. psychiatrist /saɪ'kaɪətrɪst/n. 精神病医生

psychology /saɪ'kɑlədʒi/ 心理学

psychological /,saɪkə'lɑdʒɪkl/ 心理学的

这三个单词可以一起记, 都是由词根 psych-心理、精神 引出。-ology表示某学科, -ist表示人,学者。

2. recollection /,rɛkə'lɛkʃən/ n. 回忆 

e.g. The recollection of the trip is entirely personal and private. 对旅程的回忆完全是个人的和隐私的。

场景五 慌言最终被揭穿

Nina: Do you have a sec?

Chandler: Ah, sure,Nina. What’s up?

Nina: I don’t know. For the past couple days, people have been avoiding me and giving me these really strange looks.

Chandler: Oh, well,ah... maybe that’s because they’re ah... jealous, of us.

Nina: Maybe. Butthat doesn’t explain why they keep taking my scissors.

Chandler: Ah, well,maybe that’s, ah, because you’re getting a big raise.

Nina: I am?

Chandler: Sure, why not?

Nina: Oh my god!(Rushing over to give him a big hug) You’re amazing!

Chandler: Oh, youdon’t know. (Presses a button.) Helen, could you make sure we put through the paperwork on Miss Bookbinder’s raise?

Helen: (Over theintercom) So you still want me to send her psychological profile to Personnel?

Nina: What?

Chandler: Helen drinks. (Insincerely) Will you marry me?


1. “你有空吗”怎么说? 可以用second 也可以用minute, 例句如下:

Do you have a second?

Can I talk to you for a second?

Do you have a minute?

Can I talk to you for a minute

2. For the past couple days,people have been avoiding me and giving me these really strange looks. 在过去的几天,人们都躲着我,看我的眼神也怪怪的。

因为过去的几天是一个时间段,所以在这里有了 have been doing sth 表示过去一段时间一直在做一件事情。

3. get a raise 涨工资

这段办公室恋情最终还是结束了,想起了Ross最开始评价Chandler这段关系的话,很是经典:You don’t dip your pen in the company ink. 就像我们汉语中说的兔子不吃窝边草吧。




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和我一起看老友记学英语吧 - 从第一季第一集开始(002)

和我一起看老友记学英语吧 - 从第一季第一集开始(003)

和我一起看老友记学英语吧 - 从第一季第一集开始(004)

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    本文标题:Chandler 爱上了他的女下属 - 看老友记学英语
