额头部位的几个穴位--Acupoints on Forehead

额头部位的几个穴位--Acupoints on Forehead

作者: 在路上5818 | 来源:发表于2020-04-01 12:37 被阅读0次

    General Information:

    Shen Ting (Du-24); Mei Chong (BL-3); Qu Chai (BL-4); Tou Lin Qi (GB-15); Ben Shen (GB-13) and Tou Wei (ST-8) all located 0.5 cun posterior to hairline. It is 4.5cun from Shen Ting (Du-24) to Tou Wei (ST-8). It is 1.5 cun from Qu Chai (BL-4) to Shen Ting (Du-24). It is also 1.5 cun from Ben Shen (GB-13) to Tou Wei (ST-8). Mei Chong (BL-3) located directly superior to Zang Zhu (BL-2) or medial end of the eyebrow. Tou Lin Qi (GB-15) located directly superior to the pupil, and also in the midway between Shen Ting (DU-24) and Tou Wei (ST-8).



    神庭(Shen Ting); 眉冲(Mei Chong); 曲差(Qu Chai); 头临泣(Tou Lin Qi); 本神(Ben Shen); 头维(Tou Wei)

    神庭 DU-24 (Shen Ting)

    Feature: Meeting point of the Governing Vessel with the Bladder and Stomach channels.


    Location: At the top of the head on the midline, 0.5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline and 0.5 cun anterior to Shang Xing (Du-23).

    Needling: Transverse insertion 0.5 to 1 cun (According to several classical texts, this point is contraindicated to needling禁针)


    1. Benefits the brain and calms the spirit. 醒脑安神。

    2. Eliminates wind and benefits the head. 祛风清头。

    3. Benefits the nose and eyes. 通鼻窍,明目。


    1. Mania-depression, ascends to high places and sings, discards clothing and runs around, mimics other people's speech, fright palpitation, insomnia, loss of consciousness, tongue thrusting.


    2. Upward staring eyes, opisthotonos, wind epilepsy, wind dizziness accompanied by vomiting, vomiting with agitation and fullness, dizziness, head wind, headache with chills and fever, cold sensation of the head.


    3. Clear and ceaseless nasal discharge, nasal congestion and discharge, nosebleed, lacrimation, lack of visual clarity, dyspnoea.


    眉冲 BL-3 (Mei Chong)

    Location: Directly superior to Zan Zhu BL-2, 0.5cun within the anterior hairline, level with Shen Ting Du-24.

    Needling: Transverse insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.(According to the Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion this point is contraindicated to moxibustion).


    1. Expels wind, clears the head and alleviates pain. 祛风,清头,止痛。

    2. Benefits the eyes and nose. 明目通鼻。


    1. Headache, vertex headache, dizziness, dimness of vision, nasal congestion, nasal sores, dyspnoea, epilepsy, agitation and fullness of the Heart. 头痛,巅顶疼痛,眩晕,视力模糊,鼻塞,鼻疮,呼吸困难,癫痫,心胸烦满。

    曲差 BL-4 (Qu Chai)

    Location: 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to Shen Ting (DU-24) and 1/3 of the distance between Shen Ting (DU-24) to Tou Wei (ST-8).

    Needling: Transverse insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.


    1. Expels wind, clears the head and alleviates pain. 祛风,清头,止痛。

    2. Benefits the eyes and nose. 明目,通鼻


    1. Headache, vertex headache, swelling of the vertex, blurred vision, eye pain, dimness of vision, nasal congestion, nasal sores, nosebleed, rhinitis.  头痛,巅顶痛,巅顶肿,视物昏花,眼痛,视力模糊,鼻塞,鼻疮,鼻衄,鼻炎。

    2. Agitation and fullness of the Heart, dyspnoea, absence of sweating, agitation and heat in the body. 心胸烦满,呼吸困难,无汗,身体烦热。


    1. Dimness of vision: Qu Chai (BL-4), Yang Lao (SI-6), and He Gu (LI-4).

        视力模糊:曲差 <配> 养老,与合谷。

    2. Agitation and fullness of the Heart with absence of sweating: Qu Chai (BL-4) and Xin Shu (BL-15).

        心胸烦满而无汗:曲差 <配>心腧。

    头临泣 GB-15 (Tou Lin Qi)

    Feature: Meeting point of the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels with the Yang Linking vessel.


    Location: On the forehead, directly above Yang Bai (GB-14), 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, midway between Shen Ting (DU-24) and Tou Wei (ST-8)

    Needling: Transverse insertion 0.5 to 1.5 cun.


    1. Eliminates wind, benefits the head and alleviates pain. 祛风,清头,止痛。

    2. Benefits the nose and eyes. 通鼻,明目。


    1. Nasal congestion, nasal congestion with aversion to cold.  鼻塞,鼻塞伴随恶寒。

    2. Headache, head wind, visual dizziness, pain of the occiput and forehead, pain of the supraorbital ridge. 头痛,头风,目眩,后脑与前额痛,眉棱骨痛。

    3. Redness and pain of the eyes, superficial visual obstruction, lacrimation on exposure to wind, pain at the outer canthus.目赤而痛,目翳遮睛,迎风流泪,目外眦疼痛。

    4. Windstroke, epilepsy, loss of consciousness, malaria, pain of the supraclavicular fossa, swelling of the axilla. 中风,癫痫,丧失意识,疟疾,锁骨上窝疼痛,腋窝肿胀。

    Commentary 注释:

    As its name (Head Governor of Tears) implies, Tou Lin Qi (GB-15) is indicated for lacrimation as well as for redness and pain of the eyes and superficial visual obstruction. 头临泣以其穴位名称可知,主要用于治疗流泪,兼目赤而痛,目翳遮睛。


    1. Lacrimation on exposure to wind: Tou Lin Qi (GB-15), Tou Wei (ST-8), Jing Ming (BL-1) and Feng Chi (GB-20).

        迎风流泪:头临泣 <配> 头维,睛明,风池。

    2. Lacrimation: Tou Lin Qi (GB-15) and Tou Wei (ST-8).

        流泪:头临泣 <配> 头维

    3. Superficial visual obstruction: Tou Lin Qi (GB-15) and Gan Shu (BL-18)

        目翳遮睛:头临泣 <配> 肝腧

    4. Nasal congestion: Tou Lin Qi (GB-15) and Tong Tian (BL-7)

        鼻塞:头临泣 <配> 通天

    本神 GB-13 (Ben Shen)

    Feature: Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Yang Linking vessel.


    Location:On the forehead, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 2/3 of the distance between Shen Ting (Du-24) and Tou Wei (ST-8).

    Needling: Transverse insertion 0.5 to 1.5 cun.


    Eliminates wind, resolves phlegm and treats epilepsy. 祛风,化痰,治疗癫痫。


    1. Headache, visual dizziness, stiffness and pain of the neck, pain of the chest and lateral costal region with inability to turn the body. 头痛,目眩,颈项僵痛,胸胁疼痛不能转侧。

    2. Epilepsy, childhood fright epilepsy, vomiting of foamy saliva, windstroke, hemiplegia, deviation of the mouth and eyes. 癫痫,小儿惊痫,口吐涎沫,中风,偏瘫,口眼歪斜。

    Combinations: 穴位配伍

    1. Childhood fright epilepsy: Ben Shen (GB-13), Qian Ding (DU-21), Xin Hui (DU-22) and Tian Zhu (BL-10).

        小儿惊痫:本神 <配> 前顶,囟会,天柱

    2. Pain of the lateral costal region with inability to turn the body: Ben Shen (GB-13) and Lu Xi (SJ-19)

        胁肋疼痛不能转侧:本神 <配> 颅息

    头维 ST-8 (Tou Wei)

    Feature: Meeting point of the ST and GB channels with the Yang Linking vessel.


    Location: At the corner of the forehead, 4.5 cun lateral to Shen Ting (DU-24) and 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline.

    Needling: Transverse insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.


    1. Eliminates wind and alleviates pain. 祛风止痛。

    2. Benefits the eyes. 明目。


    1. Headache, splitting headache with chill and fever, dizziness, vomiting. 头痛, 头剧痛伴往来寒热,眩晕,呕吐。

    2. Dimness of vision, bursting eye pain, lacrimation on exposure to wind, twitching of the eyelids. 视力模糊,眼睛爆痛,迎风流泪,眼睑震颤。

    3. Dyspnoes with agitation and oppression, hemiplegia. 呼吸困难伴随烦闷,偏瘫。

    Commentary 注释:

    Tou Wei is an important point to treat headache. As Tou Wei located on ST channel, which rules the forehead. Tou Wei is the meeting point of the ST, GB and Yang Linking vessel. GB channel rules the temporal region. Yang Linking vessel links all the Yang channels of the body including the GV vessel and BL channel which rules the vertex. Different needle direction on Tou Wei (ST-8) could be used for forehead headache, vertex headache , temporal headaches and occipital headache. In addition to headache, eye disorders are also suitable to be treated by needling Tou Wei, no matter these disorders caused by external wind or internal wind. (头维是治疗头痛的重要穴位。盖因此穴位于足阳明经,而此经上行至前额。头维又是足阳明胃经,足少阳胆经与阳维脉的交会穴。足少阳胆经过头部侧面区域。阳维脉与一身阳脉相连包括督脉和足太阳膀胱经,此二经均上达巅顶。因此针刺头维穴时针刺方向不同可以治疗不同位置的头痛,包含前额头痛,巅顶头痛,侧头痛,甚至后脑疼痛。除了头痛之外,头维还可以用于治疗各种眼部疾病,无论这些病症是由外风引起还是内风引起。)

    As mentioned before, Tou Wei located on ST channel, it is particularly suitable for migraine headache with nausea or vomiting. (正如之前提到过的,头维穴位于足阳明胃经上,因此这个穴位也可以特别的适用于偏头痛伴随恶心呕吐的症状。)


    1. Headache with eye pain: Tou Wei (ST-8) and Zan Zhu (BL-2)

        头痛伴随眼痛:头维 <配> 攒竹

    2. Twitching of the eyelids: Tou Wei (ST-8) and Zan Zhu (BL-2)

        眼见震颤:头维 <配> 攒竹

    3. One-sided or generalised head wind: Tou Wei (ST-8), Bai Hui (DU-20), Qian Ding (DU-21), Shang Xing (DU-23), Shen Ting (DU-24), Si Zhu Kong (SJ-23), Feng Chi (GB-20), He Gu (LI-4) and Zan Zhu (BL-2).

        一侧头风或整个头部头风:头维 <配> 百会,前顶,上星,神庭,丝竹空,风池,合谷,攒竹。

    4. Lacrimation on exposure to wind: Tou Wei (ST-8), Jing Ming (BL-1), Feng Chi (GB-20) and Tou Lin Qi (GB-15)

        迎风流泪:头维 <配> 睛明,风池,头临泣。

    [ Reference:Deadman, P.  and Al-Khafaji, M. (2001). A Manual of Acupuncture. England: Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications]



        本文标题:额头部位的几个穴位--Acupoints on Forehead
