What's a Crucial Conversation?
《CrucialConversations:Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High》
What's a Crucial Conversation?
The crucial conversations we're referring to in the title ofthis book are interactions that happen to everyone.
They're the day-to-day conversations that affect your life.
Now, what makes one of your conversations crucial as opposed to plain vanilla?
First, opinions vary.
For example, you're talking with your boss about a possible promotion.
She thinks you're not ready; you think you are.
Second, stakes are high.
You're in a meeting with four coworkers and you're trying to pick a new marketing strategy.
You've got to do something different or your company isn't going to hit its annual goals.
Third, emotions run strong.
You're in the middle of a casual discussion with your spouse and he or she brings up an "ugly incident" that took place at yesterday's neighborhood block party.
Apparently not only did you flirt with someone at the party,
but according to your spouse,
"You were practically making out."
You don't remember flirting.
You simply remember being polite and friendly.
Your spouse walks off in a huff.
What makes each of these conversations crucial-and not simply
or annoying-is that the results could have a huge impact on the quality of your life.
In each case, some element of your daily routine could be forever altered for better or worse.
Clearly a promotion could make a big difference.
Your company's success affects you and everyone you work with.
Your relationship with your spouse influences every aspect of your life.
Even something as trivial as a debate over a property line affects how you get along with your neighbor.
Crucial Conversationn.A discussion between two or more people where ( 1 ) stakes are high,
(2) opinions vary,
and (3) emotions run strong.
How do we typically handle crucial conversations ?
In truth, when we face crucial conversations, we can do one of three things:
• We can avoid them.
• We can face them and handle them poorly.
• We can face them and handle them well.
That seems simple enough.
Walk away from crucial conversations and suffer the consequences.
Handle them poorly and sufferthe consequences.
Or handle them well.
Master your crucial conversations and you'll kick-start your career(推动你的事业),
strengthen your relationships,and improve your health.
As you and others master highstakes(高风险)discussions,
you'll also vitalize(赋予…生命;激发)your organization and your community.
Some Common Crucial Conversations
• Ending a relationship
• Talking to a coworker who behaves offensively or makes suggestivecomments
• Asking a friend to repay a loan
• Giving the boss feedback about her behavior
• Approaching a boss who is breaking his own safety or qualitypolicies
• Critiquing a colleague's work
• Asking a roommate to move out
• Resolving custody or visitation issues with an ex-spouse
• Dealing with a rebellious teen
• Talking to a team member who isn't keeping commitments
• Discussing problems with sexual intimacy
• Confronting a loved one about a substance abuse problem
• Talking to a colleague who is hoarding infonnation or resources
• Giving an unfavorable performance review
• Asking in-laws to quit interfering
• Talking to a coworker about a personal hygiene problem