: very sudden and not expected
: talking to other people in a very brief and unfriendly way
: rudely brief
Full Definition
1 a : characterized by or involving action or change without preparation or warning : unexpected <came to an abrupt stop> <an abrupt turn> <an abrupt decision to retire>
b : unceremoniously curt <an abrupt manner>
c : lacking smoothness or continuity <an abrupt transition>
2 : giving the impression of being cut or broken off; especially : involving a sudden steep rise or drop <abrupt hills> <a high abrupt bank bounded the stream>
synonyms see precipitate, steep
abrupt·ly \ə-ˈbrəp(t)-lē\ adverb
abrupt·ness \ə-ˈbrəp(t)-nəs\ noun
There was an abrupt change in the weather.
The road came to an abrupt end.
The storm caused an abrupt power failure.
Origin: Latin abruptus, from past participle of abrumpere to break off, from ab- + rumpere to break — more at reave.
First use: 1530
Synonyms: blunt, bluff, brusque (also brusk), crusty, curt, downright, short, short-spoken, snippy, unceremonious
Antonyms: circuitous, mealymouthed
