今天和大家分享的这篇双语笔记,原素材取自纽约时报,标题是 Tencent Is Suffering a One-Two Punch From the Tech Stock Sell-Off,从这篇文章中,我们可以学到:
one-two punch的含义及类似表达;
Tencent Is Suffering a One-Two Punch From the Tech Stock Sell-Off
标题中的one-two punch,此处表示连续而来的打击。这个词组之前在外刊群中也出现过,看来在外刊中出现频率还是可以的。原意是:
one-two:a movement in which a boxer hits his opponent with one hand and then quickly with the other〔拳击中的〕左右连击,the old one-two也是是一个惯用词组,比如:
Ali gives his opponent the old one-two, and it’s all over.阿里施展出他的惯用拳法,朝对手左右连击,比赛就此结束。
经常阅读经济类外刊文章的童鞋对这个词一定不陌生:Sell-off:N-COUNT The sell-off of something, for example, an industry owned by the state or a company's shares, is the selling of it. (国有企业、公司股份等的) 出售,比如:
The privatization of the electricity industry was the biggest sell-off of them all.电力行业的私有化是这类出售中最大的一宗。
Tencent is exposed to a double dose of pain as a global tech rout gathers pace.
“承受”痛苦,一般我们能想到的动词是suffer, 我们也可以使用这里的短语:Be exposed to, 也可以表示承受不太好的影响、事物,比如受到高强度的辐射 be exposed to high levels of radiation.
Rout一词一般用单数,表示 a complete defeat in a battle, competition, or election〔战斗、竞赛或选举中的〕溃败,彻底失败, 比如The battle turned into a rout. 战斗彻底失败。
那么a global tech rout gathers pace 的意思就是全球科技界都在一连三的败北,gather pace加快步伐,表示事情发展得很快。结合本文讨论的主题“科技股”,翻译为:全球科技股下挫
本句中的a double dose of pain也呼应了标题中的one-two punch~
On Wednesday, United States technology stocks fell sharply. But even against that backdrop and a similar plight afflicting Chinese rivals, the Hong Kong-listed gaming giant Tencent stands apart. It has lost $230 billion of market value from its peak in January, which is magnified by fickle Chinese traders and its exposure to emerging markets.
Backdrop背景,我们都很熟悉,注意介词一般搭配against:N-COUNT The backdrop to an event is the general situation in which it happens. 事件的背景,比如:The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.选举的背景是逐渐不稳的局势。
Plight:N-COUNT If you refer to someone's plight, you mean that they are in a difficult or distressing situation that is full of problems. 困境:
The nation saw the plight of the farmers, whose crops had died.这个国家的农民因庄稼死亡而陷入困境。
Afflict:V-T If you are afflicted by pain, illness, or disaster, it affects you badly and makes you suffer. 困扰,就比如刚才那个例句,这个国家的农民因庄稼死亡而陷入困境,那我们就可以说这是一个饱受饥荒之苦的国家 a country afflicted by famine。
List上市,“上市”还可以是:take a firm public/go public
“上市公司”则可以是listed company; publicly traded company; public company;
stand apart这个短语值得get起来:to not involve yourself in something or with someone 置身事外,不牵扯其中,比如昨天《如懿传》大结局,十分催泪,但是有的人却能时刻保持冷静,不受剧情影:Some seem to be able to stand apart from the drama while others are in tears.
Fickle:ADJ If you describe someone as fickle, you disapprove of them because they keep changing their mind about what they like or want. 善变的,比如你可以抱怨某个女人戏精本精,可是出了名的善变啊~be notoriously fickle
But even against that backdrop and a similar plight afflicting Chinese rivals, the Hong Kong-listed gaming giant…
前半句中,that backdrop/ a similar plight afflicting Chinese rivals 是两个并列的成分。
Investors have wiped out about 40 percent of the tech titan’s market value so far this year: it is now worth $348 billion. That compares to the less than 30 percent declines suffered by its U.S.-listed Chinese rivals Alibaba and Baidu over the same period.
本段中基本没有生词,需要注意的是第二句的翻译处理,that compares to… ,表明原文两句是对比的关系。英文都是由逻辑词堆砌起来的,但中文的逻辑隐藏于字里行间,不写逻辑关系词,读者也能明白其中逻辑,所以,后半句表意即可,that compares to省去不译,直接说,“同期在美国上市的……”
Analysts at BNP Paribas believe that it’s currently the top-selling name on the Stock Connect scheme linking mainland exchanges to Hong Kong, which allows investors in China to trade the company’s shares. That means Tencent is exposed to flighty Chinese investors, who tend to be quicker than most to buy and sell, making the good times richer — and the bad times poorer.
注意本段又出现了be exposed to的用法,如果想不起来一分钟之前看到了什么,就翻上去再复习一下。
Flighty可以与上文的fickle结合记忆:ADJ If you say that someone is flighty, you disapprove of them because they are not very serious or reliable and keep changing from one activity, idea, or partner to another. 反反复复的,见异思迁的。
Tencent is the top company in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, with a 4.5 percent weighting. The index has slumped 14 percent this year, largely because of outflows from riskier markets as the U.S. Federal Reserve has tightened monetary policy. By contrast, Alibaba’s weighting in the index is 3.7 percent and Baidu’s only 1.2 percent.
slump:to suddenly go down in price, value, or number〔价格、价值或数量〕暴跌,骤降;
近义词有:plummet/plunge/tumble/take a nose dive…
The index has slumped 14 percent this year, largely because of outflows from riskier markets as the U.S. Federal Reserve has tightened monetary policy.
outflows from riskier markets直译为“从高风险市场中的外流”,为了使语句通顺,必须增译“资金”:资金从高风险市场撤出;
Tencent has responded to its decline with share buybacks. The company has been stepping up repurchases, spending $100 million since September, according to filings. But the amount it has bought — just 0.03 percent of its shares outstanding — is too small to make a real difference.
outstanding这里是:not yet done, solved, or paid尚未完成的;有待解决的;未付的,比如要表达债务还没有还干净,get debts still outstanding.
step up 也是个常见词组,表示增加、提高,比如增产75%,step production up by 75%。如果经常看政府工作报告,应该也会很熟悉这样的表达step up efforts to...我们要大力做某事某事。