The Giver阅读随记

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2020-08-26 23:18 被阅读0次



这本书已经读完了。顺带想知道后续看了一下系列第四本Son的第一部分,突然就不想再看了。没有了趣味性。The Giver抛除个人观念和隐藏的色彩,单从故事来说还是可读的一本书。但对这一类非黑即白对比太过鲜明的书并不推荐。八月份以来零散的记录,就不改了,算是一个不大完整的读书过程。



以上算是翻书时的一点个人想法,因为已经结束了菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》(这书是真好看)和罗尔德的Kiss kiss,终于可以松口气停下来,准备翻阅一些以前罗列的书目。The Giver《记忆传授人》个人并不推荐,不过确实想读一读,书也很简单(作者同样写过Number the Stars),貌似很流行,得过纽伯瑞金奖,就做一些简单的字词笔记。有时候觉得书籍不仅仅是在看故事,故事背后的文化和思想如果不能正确对待也是一件可怕的事。

For a contributing citizen to be re-leased from the community was a final decision, a terrible punishment, an overwhelming statement of failure.


overwhelming中文为“压倒性的”,此处通过上句a final decision, a terrible punishment可看出其意为“too much, such a statement of failure”

He had waited a long time for this special December. Now that it was almost upon him, he wasn’t frightened, but he was . . . eager, he decided. He was eager for it to come. And he was excited, certainly. All of the Elevens were excited about the event that would be coming so soon.

书刚开始读,还不知要表达什么。只知道12岁是人生的选择,将有一生的职业。所以小主人公Jonas对于即将到来的命运有一些忧虑。他开始定位的词为frightened,但这种未知又有一些期待和紧张,所以最终选用了apprehensive。“Apprehensive, Jonas decided. That’s what I am.”

apprehensive中文为忧心忡忡,英文解释为afraid of sth.that will happen.多指不好的事情,此处类似参加大考决定命运的情绪。

The Receiver was the most important Elder. Jonas had never even seen him, that he knew of; ...

每一个社区都有一个年老的智者,来决定规则。而这样的人Jonas即使见过也不一定知道就是他。he knew of强调的是在Jonas的认知里他不知道,而不是没见过。

Usually, at the morning ritual when the family members told their dreams, Jonas didn’t contribute much. He rarely dreamed. Sometimes he awoke with a feeling of fragments afloat in his sleep, but he couldn’t seem to grasp them and put them together into something worthy of telling at the ritual.

第五章的开头部分,读这一段是因为和正在读的《艺伎回忆录》中小千代的梦重合了。加句题外话,Memoirs of A Geisha并不推荐,前1/3很好看,后面就太过猎奇和庸俗,糟蹋了一个好故事。

They all listened carefully and discussed with Lily the warning that the dream had given.

“Thank you for your dream, Lily.” Jonas said the standard phrase automatically, and tried to pay better attention while his mother told of a dream fragment, a disquieting scene where she had been chastised for a rule infraction she didn’t understand. Together they agreed that it probably resulted from her feelings when she had reluctantly dealt punishment to the citizen who had broken the major rules a second time.

第五章开头部分很有意思,其实读过这几章也很惊悚。人不能轻易犯错,超过三次,不然会被release, 解放,释放不好定义的一个词感觉更像exile。不能违规,上年纪到一定程度即使做出贡献也要面临这种命运。晚上家庭聚会要回顾一天的想法,早晨家庭要一起探讨梦境启示,这些都是不能违背的规定。

The audience applause, which was enthusiastic at each Naming, rose in an exuberant swell when one parental pair, glowing with pride, took a male newchild and heard him named Caleb.


此处exuberant是指极度的喜悦,full of joy

"I know. But it was true, what she said, that someone did that once. She said that it was really true. Here today and gone tomorrow. Never seen again. Not even a Ceremony of Release."

Jonas shrugged. It didn't worry him. How could someone not fit in? The community was so meticulously(异常细致地) ordered, the choices so carefully made.



Benjamin, the scientific male in his group, beginning to read pages of rules and instructions with relish.

with relish超级常见的文学词组,每次遇到脑海中就蹦出“有滋有味”relish作为动词有“调味”的意思,类似一幅黑白素描突然增加几抹彩色,with extra joy, 全神贯注倾心于

Jonas frowned. ''I wish we had those things, still. Just now and then.''

The old man smiled. ''So do I'' he said. ''But that choice is not ours.''

"But sir," Jonas suggested, "since you have so much power — "The man corrected him. "Honor," he said firmly. "I have great honor. So will you. But you will find that that is not the same as power.

因为各种不方便,糟糕的天气,阻挡运输的地势都被清除了,用记忆传授老人的话说so it became obsolete when we went to Sameness.,小主人公很疑惑为什么老人不能将其保留。但社区给予the giver的是荣誉而不是权利。

Again and again he dreamed of the anguish and the isolation on the forsaken hill.

The daily training continued, and now it always included pain. The agony of the fractured leg began to seem no more than a mild discomfort as The Giver led Jonas firmly, little by little, into the deep and terrible suffering of the past.


都是一些痛苦的表达,anguish ,agony,pain ,suffering这些让豹豹莫名想起excruciating极其痛苦的。

And his new, heightened feelings permeated a greater realm than simply his sleep.




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