say something

作者: logirls | 来源:发表于2019-03-18 18:04 被阅读43次

    Day by day, I find I have nothing to say.

    Everyone has own life, maybe the same experience.

    Such going to school, the primary school, the middle school, and the high school. Everyone can meet the difficulties that are puppy love and a failure in the examination.

    The older tell the experience to the young. But sometimes the young do not believe the advice. They will find the advice is right when they make the same mistake.

    The life is a circle. It will circulate forever. There are some people who adopts the advice and they make the big progress. They must be so lucky.

    But the life is not a sole modality. You can own your exclusive life style. Just be yourself. That is ok!

    And you guys, do not fear the darkness of nights because it will always be followed by day--the boy or girl who broke your heart will never meet the spouse of your future--and the people who thought we were not good enough, well, look how far we have come.

    Good luck!



        本文标题:say something
