Traditionally boards have turned to outsiders in the last resort—when they have to boot out incumbent CEOs or when the pipeline of internal candidates runs dry. The new statistics suggest that firms increasingly go for outsiders as part of regular succession planning.
in the last resort
● in the last resort: the last course of action that you should or can take in a particular situation
这个词组的意思接近 ultimately, 意思是在终于遇到了不见黄河不掉泪的那个「黄河」,不碰南墙不回头的那个「南墙」,山穷水尽的时候,最后的救命稻草。
resort 这个词有一个明显的词缀 re-,这个词缀表示 “again”。比如我们熟悉的 review(view again),reappear (appear again)等等。
他的词根是 sort,来自于一个法语单词 “sortir”,意思是“ come or go out ”。所以这个单词最开始的意思是 “ some peace that people come and go many times ”,也就是人们常去的地方。到了18世纪,就渐渐演化成了他在现代英语里的基本含义 “ place frequently visited ” ,有度假胜地,娱乐场所的意思。
除了基本含义,他还在使用的过程中,演化出了引申含义,表示 the action of resorting to a course of action in a difficult situation 。也就是在原文中出现的这个词组 in the last resort 里面 resort 的意思。
resort 同样具有动词的词性。在书面用语里,他延续了名词的基本含义,表示 go often or in large numbers to。
● Local authorities have a duty to provide adequate sites for gypsies ‘residing in or resorting to’ their areas.
● 当地政府有义务为吉普赛人提供充足的居住和活动空间。
他的另一个更常用的动词释义是:turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation ,也就是为了某一个目的,采取一定的措施。
● The duke was prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed.
● 如果研判失败的话,公爵就将诉诸武力。
incumbent CEO
● incumbent: (of an official or regime) currently holding office.
incumbent 在这里的意思相当于 present ,incumbent CEO 也就是现任CEO。
不仅是公司,政府机关的现任领导,除了present 之外,也可以用 incumbent。比如:
● The incumbent President was defeated.
● 现任总统被击败了。
除了形容词词性外,incumbent 在表示「任职」的这个含义时,也有名词的词性。
● incumbent:the holder of an office or post.
● The present incumbent will soon be retiring.
● 领导马上就要退休啦。
Traditionally boards have turned to outsiders in the last resort—when they have to boot out incumbent CEOs or when the pipeline of internal candidates runs dry. The new statistics suggest that firms increasingly go for outsiders as part of regular succession planning.