这一篇节选自John Henry Cardinal Newman)的 The Idea of a University 近两百年屹立不倒。《大学理念》自第一次提出并系统阐述大学理念,提出博雅教育的理想(也可以说是通识教育---"每样都知道一些,某个方面知道的更多一些")以来,谈起博雅教育就避不开纽曼。博雅教育豹豹查了一些,在纽曼的思想中说是倡导古典人文学科为主,也注重理性开发,是一种自由教育理念。个人认为一种是人文培养尤指哲学,另一种属于实用主义,科学工艺一类。(可能不大正确,但大方向应该不错)两者之间的和谐把控,关系。但总之人还是要多学习,多思考,知识本身就有着无限可能性。
Now bear with me, Gentlemen, if what I am about to say, has at first sight a fanciful(新颖奇特的)appearance. Philosophy, then, or Science, is related to Knowledge in this way:—Knowledge is called by the name of Science or Philosophy, when it is acted upon, informed, or if I may use a strong figure, impregnated(使充满,使饱和) by Reason.
Reason is the principle of that intrinsic (本质的)fecundity (生产力)of Knowledge, which, to those who possess it, is its especial value, and which dispenses with (无需,免除)the necessity of their looking abroad for any end to rest upon external to itself.
I only say that, prior to(在......之前) its being a power, it is a good; that it is, not only an instrument, but an end. I know well it may resolve itself into an art, and terminate(终止) in a mechanical process, and in tangible(有形的) fruit; but it also may fall back upon that Reason which informs it, and resolve itself into Philosophy. In one case it is called Useful Knowledge, in the other Liberal.
here I do but say that there are two ways of using Knowledge, and in matter of fact those who use it in one way are not likely to use it in the other, or at least in a very limited measure.
I only say that Knowledge, in proportion as it tends more and more to be particular, ceases to be Knowledge.
When I speak of Knowledge, I mean something intellectual, something which grasps what it perceives through the senses; something which takes a view of things; which sees more than the senses convey; which reasons upon what it sees, and while it sees; which invests it with an idea.
It expresses itself, not in a mere enunciation(阐明), but by an enthymeme(省略推理法): it is of the nature of science from the first, and in this consists its dignity. The principle of real dignity in Knowledge, its worth, its desirableness, considered (不管)its results, is this germ (萌芽)within it of a scientific or a philosophical process. This is how it comes to be an end in itself; this is why it admits of being called Liberal.
省略推理三段论: 从思维过程来看,任何三段论都必须具有大、小前提和结论,缺少任何一部分就无法构成三段论推理。但在具体的语言表述中,无论是说话还是写文章,常常把三段论中的某些部分省去不说。省去不说的部分或是大前提,或是小前提,或是结论。(摘自百度百科)
Moreover, such knowledge is not a mere extrinsic or accidental advantage, (外在的,偶然的优势) which is ours today and another's tomorrow, which may be got up from a book, and easily forgotten again, which we can command or communicate at our pleasure, which we can borrow for the occasion, carry about in our hand, and take into the market; it is an acquired illumination(觉悟,启发) , it is a habit, a personal possession, and an inward endowment.
所以下文作者提到针对这些特性,大学应该是教育的场所而不应该是教学的场所。虽然看起来教学是恰当的工作方式,比如教授一些手工工艺、实用美术、贸易经商等等,但这些仅仅是方法,对心智的成长与培养没什么关联,因此作用不大或者干脆无用。(We are instructed, for instance, in manual exercises, in the fine and useful arts, in trades, and in ways of business; for these are methods, which have little or no effect upon the mind itself, are contained in rules committed to memory, to tradition, or to use, and bear upon an end external to themselves.)
When, then, we speak of the communication of Knowledge as being Education, we thereby really imply that that Knowledge is a state or condition of mind; and since cultivation of mind is surely worth seeking for its own sake, we are thus brought once more to the conclusion, which the word "Liberal" and the word "Philosophy" have already suggested, that there is a Knowledge, which is desirable, though nothing come of it(起源于它) as being of itself a treasure, and a sufficient remuneration of years of labour. (多年努力的补偿)
推荐友友们听炸叔的The Enormous Crocodile ,罗尔德大爷的作品,插图作家是一直和他合作的Quentin Blake ,超级可爱的一本童书。