每日英语第373期:fun facts about the Sp

每日英语第373期:fun facts about the Sp

作者: 四十九年非 | 来源:发表于2019-02-05 08:49 被阅读5次



    大家都知道春节的英语说法:the Spring Festival,这是对“春节”这个词最好的翻译,对应最准确,意思最完整。

    也有叫the Chinese New Year的,或者the Chinese Lunar New Year,也对,但考虑到春节不仅是中国的传统节日,在韩国、越南等国家和地区也是一个大节日,还是叫the Spring Festival最贴切。

    中国的农历是个伟大的发明,韩国和越南至今还保留了对农历的使用。农历的英文叫 Chinese lunisolar calendar, 通常简称Lunar calendar.

    Did you know how many countries/regions are celebrating the Spring Festival?

    应该说世界各地只要有华人社区(Chinese communities)或唐人街(China Town)的地方都会庆祝春节,但真正把春节列为法定假日或国定节日的国家或地区有:Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia.


    Did you know how to tell your friends from other countries what cannot be done in the Spring Festival?

    Did you know there are quite some funny Spring Festival couplets written in English?

    春联的英语叫the Spring Festival couplets。前几年网上出现过一些“英语对联”,真伪难辨,有些应该是网民搞怪,有些估计是真有常年在中国的歪果仁喜欢。


    上联:The old year leaves amidst the falling snow. (瑞雪纷飞辞旧岁)

    下联:The new spring comes with the shining glow. (旭日东升迎新春)

    上联:Everything is possible (任何事都可能)

    下联:Impossible is nothing (没有事不可能)

    横批:Just do it (只要肯去做)

    上联:A willing mind sees nothing impossible, so the broken pots near the sinking boats witnessed mighty Qin‘s surrender before Chu


    下联:A waiting heart regards everything available, so the determination from the torturing hay embraced weak Yue‘s triumph over Wu







        本文标题:每日英语第373期:fun facts about the Sp
