The only solution was to try to unmake the world, to make it black and silent and uninhabited again, to return to the moment before the Big Bang, in the beginning when there was the Word, and to live in that vacuous uncreated space alone with the Word.
...an endless chain of intracranial firecrackers that made me think that I was once and for all going, and I told myself—as I’ve told myself before—that the body shuts down when the pain gets too bad, that consciousness is temporary, that this will pass. But just like always, I didn’t slip away. I was left on the shore with the waves washing over me, unable to drown.
People talk about the courage of cancer patients, and I do not deny that courage. I had been poked and stabbed and poisoned for years, and still I trod on. But make no mistake: In that moment, I would have been very, very happy to die.
Mom and Dad told me that I did not have a brain tumor, but that my headache was caused by poor oxygenation, which was caused by my lungs swimming in fluid, a liter and a half (!!!!) of which had been successfully drained from my chest, which was why I might feel a slight discomfort in my side,...
Each sleep ended to reveal a person who seemed a bit more like me. Sleep fights cancer, Regular Dr. Jim said for the thousandth time as he hovered over me one morning surrounded by a coterie of medical students.
当Hazel从icu回家后Gus给了她一封信,是她最喜欢的作者Peter Van Houten根据两人的状况写的。说实在的有些过度巧合并略带肉麻,不是说信的内容而是说这种情节雕琢的痕迹过重,所以电影中这一段直接略过也挺。以下是一些信的内容较难的点:
I am in receipt of(收到) your electronic mail dated the 14th of April and duly impressed by the Shakespearean complexity of your tragedy. Everyone in this tale has a rock-solid hamartia:...
1.I am in receipt of(收到) your electronic mail...
2.I am duly impressed by the Shakespearean complexity of your tragedy.
hamartia高频文学词汇, n.致命弱点
...that she is so sick; yours, that you are so well. Were she better or you sicker,(If she were better...) then the stars would not be so terribly crossed, but it is the nature of stars to cross, and never was Shakespeare more wrong than when he had Cassius note, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves.”
the stars would not be so terribly crossed来自于《罗密欧与朱丽叶》开篇
From forth the fatal loins of these tow foes
a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
star-crossed lovers在国外文化认知中表示受外界阻力,苦命鸳鸯一类的意思。
“Not marble, nor the gilded monuments / Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme; / But you shall shine more bright in these contents / Than unswept stone, besmear’d with sluttish time.”
文中的Bard或者Will均指莎士比亚,算是昵称。因为这封信基本在讲莎翁,但bard主要是指游吟诗人(像JK Rolling的The Tales of Beedle the Bard就叫游唱诗人比多故事集)
这首诗还是蛮狠的,后劲较足,所以信中作者说What a slut time is. She screws everybody.
后面还介绍了另一位美国诗人Alchibald Macleish引用扩展莎士比亚的诗句,借以说明人死如灯灭,不知归处(冷风一吹,莫名打个寒战)。再一次看出书中书的作者也是颓唐到了极点。
昨天没忍住将哈利波特赶了赶,眼酸。勘堪到第六章停一下,准备复习听两章再说。《星运里的错》昨天就已经到了第十章,只是越读越有些平淡到无趣,被推荐去读了一点Tuesdays with Morrie,书倒是不长,读到了10%停了下来,同样平淡的笔触但读完内心很宁静。当然不排除后续会大范围略同,也是很多内心探讨文的通病。
Dr. Maria’s lips shrank into her mouth. “You would not be considered a strong candidate for a transplant, unfortunately,” she said. I understood: No usewasting good lungs on a hopeless case. I nodded, trying not to look like that comment hurt me.
They might be glad to have me around, but I was the alpha and the omega of my parents’ suffering.
the alpha(α希腊第一个字母)the omega(ω希腊最后一个字母)
这段话来自I'm the Alpha and the Omega,the First and the Last,the Beginning and the End.
...thinking that I would give up all the sick days I had left for a few healthy ones.
Desperately Lonely Swing Set Needs Loving Home (Desperately此处是表示程度的副词,不能理解为绝望地)
One swing set, well worn but structurally sound(个人认为同义为be in good condition), seeks new home.Make memories with your kid or kids(单复数很讲究) so that someday he or she or they (人称很讲究)will look into the backyard and feel the ache of sentimentality as desperately as I did this afternoon.
It’s all fragile and fleeting, ("人生天地间,忽如远行客")dear reader, but with this swing set, your child(ren) will be introduced to the ups and downs of human life (人生的起起落落)gently and safely, and may also learn the most important lesson of all: No matter how hard you kick, no matter how high you get, you can’t go all the way around.(命运无法翻转,Hazel对人生一直抱着怀疑和虚空的观点。)
She ran in wearing a threadbare pink towel under her armpits, dripping, vaguely panicked. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Sorry, I didn’t know you were in the shower,” I said.
“Bath,” she said. “I was just...” She closed her eyes. “Just trying to take a bath for five seconds. Sorry. What’s going on?”