报刊阅读 | 假学霸真不了

作者: 小黑天天快乐 | 来源:发表于2019-02-18 20:27 被阅读34次



Zhai Tianlin - also known as Ronald Zhai - is a well-known actor in China who is used to the limelight.With more than 11 million followers on the social media website Sina Weibo, he's more accustomed to positive comments and praise from fans.However, this week he has received extra attention, for all the wrong reasons.


这篇文章很大的一个亮点是对一种意思能用很多种单词或者短语表达,避免重复,因而丰富而生动。例如本段中的be used to与 be accustomed to同义,均表示“习惯于...”,类似短语还有be apt to。下文还有很多此种情况,小葡萄会一一介绍。


At first, he was jubilant after being accepted into Peking University, one of the country's most prestigious institutions, to study for a doctorate at the Guanghua School of Management.He posted his admittance letter confirming his place saying: "A new journey, please cheer for little Zhai!".This had 48,000 shares, and 79,000 comments. It led to a number of people searching online for his previous written pieces.



Bachelor 学士学位
Master 硕士学位
Postdoctoral degree 博士后学位


But the South China Morning Post spotted discrepancies in Zhai's submissions. It reported that two of his essays came under scrutiny, with one containing no citations at all and another that "appeared uncannily similar to an article published by an academic journal in 2006."Zhai's management company initially rejected the claim, but the news website, Global Times, revealed he had submitted a paper that was "40 percent plagiarised", sparking claims of academic fraud and corruption, and anger that the rich and powerful were getting admissions to a top university.


  • spot的意思非常繁杂,通常作“地点、斑点”的意思,此处作动词意为“发现、认出”,与下文的reveal意思类似,notify、tell、post等也可表达这类意思。

  • came under scrutiny:受到审查,是固定搭配。例如VOC中有一句:Chinese toy makers came under scrutiny after U.S.investigators found harmful amounts of lead in products for children and banned the use of lead.

  • uncannily:惊异地;神秘地;形近词有:uncalled-for 不必要的 ;uncanny 离奇的


By 14 February, the actor, who stars in the Chinese television series White Deer Plain, published an apology when claims of historic plagiarism came to light, prompting hundreds of thousands of reactions.He went on to say he had formally applied to withdraw his position for post-doctoral research and he was sorry to have disappointed his fans who supported him.
More than 175,000 Weibo users have since used the hashtag #ZhaiTianlinApologises


came to light为曝光、泄露之意,对应的褒义短语是shed\cast light on:阐明;使…清楚地显出。

在耶鲁公开课中有这样一句话:However dimly that light came through to you, suffering so acutely from the rough denial of the very existence of American ideals, part of it must have come through American delineation of American characters.小葡萄把这句话送给大家,希望被现实欺侮的人们仍有足够的力量走向远方。


Beijing Film Academy, from where Zhai graduated as a PhD student in 2014, said it was cooperating with the authorities about other issues that have triggered social concern, adding "The Ministry of Education, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government is attaching great importance to this."At a recent news conference, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Education said it had ordered the relevant authorities to investigate, and also look into similar possible cases, reaffirming its zero tolerance towards academic misconduct.




公众号 英语不打烊(ID: last38days)。



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    本文标题:报刊阅读 | 假学霸真不了
