今天的文章节选自经济学人 Your money or your life 要钱还是要命?
外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达?In the post-war years the Treasury was a hub for Keynesian demand management. Under Margaret Thatcher it became the engine room of a monetarist revolution. It commandeered social policy during Mr Blair's administration. Now it oversees austerity, the lodestar of the coalition government.
外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达? Ivory Coast used to be the cultural hub of francophone Africa.科特迪瓦曾是非洲法语国家的文化中心。
外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达? It commandeered social policy during Mr Blair's administration.布莱尔手下行政机构的社会政策也被它霸占。
外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达?This iscertainly the vision inthe Organization Department,and they see legitimacy as theirpolitical lodestar.
monetarist revolution 货币改革
外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达?coalition government 联合政府
外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达? 外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达?Yet a report published on September 4th, “The Destruction of HM Treasury”, says Whitehall's leviathan should count its days.
但是9 月4 日出版的报告《英国财政部的破坏》指出白厅兴风作浪的时日无多了。
外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达? 外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达? 外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达?Mr Westlake and Mr Wilkes argue that the rhythm of twice-yearly financial statements, in the budget and the autumn statement, makes the Treasury short-term in outlook and prone to headline-grabbing wheezes. Moreover, all three main parties have embraced the interventionist“sector strategies” championed by Michael Heseltine on the right and Lord Adonis on the left. Because the Treasury detests that sort of economic meddling, politicians have it in their sights. The department's functions might, the authors suggest, be distributed to an expanded prime minister's office, a stronger business department and a dedicated finance ministry.
外刊中有哪些好的句子和表达? Because the Treasury detests that sort of economic meddling, politicians have it in their sights.因为财政部憎恨的正是这种经济干预,而这正在政客们的掌控之中。
headline-grabbing wheezes 头条伎俩
economic meddling 经济干预