豹豹和你一起试读The BFG(吹梦巨人) 5

豹豹和你一起试读The BFG(吹梦巨人) 5

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-08-09 17:49 被阅读5次

    今天的内容不是很难,不过依旧很有趣。吹梦巨人的电影豹豹看了一个开头,还行。不过没有耐心追下去,感觉书更好看。另外,才发现人豆“human bean”其实就是“human being”

    8.  Snozzcumbers

    大鼻子瓜(这个名字起得太有意思了)是the BFG唯一的一样食物。不管是电影中的形象还是书中的描述,都有点让人反胃,真难为好心眼巨人了。


    ‘In this sloshflunking Giant Country, happy eats like pineapples and pigwinkles is simply not growing. Nothing is growing except for one extremely icky-poo vegetable. It is called the snozzcumber.’

    在这破巨人窝里,好吃的就没有了。除了让人厌恶的大鼻子瓜。icky adj.黏糊的,讨厌的


    'Your brain is full of rotten-wool.’

    ‘You mean cotton-wool,’ Sophie said.



    'I must spend my life guzzling up icky-poo snozzcumbers instead. If I don’t, I will be nothing but skin and groans.’

    ‘You mean skin and bons,’ Sophie said.


    然后the BFG就拿出了一根大鼻子瓜,来看看长什么样。

    It was about half as long again as an ordinary man but was much thicker. It was as thick around its girth as a perambulator. It was black with white stripes along its length. And it was covered all over with coarse knobbles.



    girth n.就是指腰围,突然想起圆桌武士里出现的girdle(女子的紧身搭)应该是同词根。

    ‘Giants is never dying,’ the BFG answered.'But mostly us giants is simply going on and on like whiffsy time-twiddlers.’


    ‘No, thank you,’ Sophie said, backing away.

    ‘It’s all you’re going to be guzzling around here from now on so you might as well get used to it,’ said the BFG. ‘Go on, you snipsy little winkle, have a go!’

    Sophie took a small nibble. ‘Uggggggggh!’ she spluttered. ‘Oh no! Oh gosh! Oh help!’ She spat it out quickly. ‘It tastes of frogskins!’ she gasped. ‘And rotten fish!’

    这一段太好玩了,the BFG撺掇小索菲尝试一下大鼻子瓜,难吃果然是它的便签。很有意思。

    最后索菲建议干嘛不去村子里搞点蔬菜,花椰菜,胡萝卜什么的。但the BFG是有原则的巨人,不做这事。

    ‘You stole me,’ Sophie said.

    ‘I did not steal you very much,’ said the BFG, smiling gently. ‘After all, you is only a tiny little girl.’

    9. The Bloodbottler 嗜血巨人


    ‘Runt! Is you there, Runt? I is hearing you jabbeling! Who is you jabbeling to, Runt?’



    What is it? - The runt of the litter...That one's yours, Snow.


    the stone was rolled aside and a fifty-foot giant, more than twice as tall and wide as the BFG, came striding into the cave. He was naked except for a dirty little piece of cloth around his bottom.


    The Bloodbottler was a gruesome sight. His skin was reddish-brown. There was black hair sprouting on his chest and arms and on his stomach. The hair on his head was long and dark and tangled. His foul face was round and squashy-looking. The eyes were tiny black holes. The nose was small and flat. But the mouth was huge. It spread right across the face almost ear to ear, and it had lips that were like two gigantic purple frankfurters lying one on top of the other. Craggy yellow teeth stuck out between the two purple frankfurter lips, and rivers of spit ran down over the chin.




    craggy原本是形容山石嶙峋,陡峭的,这里用Craggy yellow teeth是表示牙齿参差不齐


    Soon the Bloodbottler would be coming back, Sophie told herself, and he was bound to search the table-top.

    be bound to必定,一定要,是人主观上的想法,这事一定会怎么样,此处表示索菲认为一会儿嗜血巨人会来搜她的。

    They were embedded in soft slimy stuff. Taking care to stay out of sight, Sophie reached forward and scooped away half a dozen of these seeds.


    embed v.除了指嵌入,还有引申义,扎根的意思,是豹豹前不久背的一个例句中出现的词:

    His roots and mine had become too firmly embedded in the new land.


    比如常用的a scoop of ice cream就是一个冰淇淋球,这里是苏菲挖走半打瓜子


    For a moment, the Bloodbottler seemed to have forgotten about his search for Sophie. The BFG decided to lead him further off the track. ‘That is the scrumdiddlyumptious snozzcumber,’ he said.

    ‘Vegitibbles is very good for you,’ he went on. ‘It is not healthsome always to be eating meaty things.’


    还记得在查理巧克力中,旺卡的美味巧克力就是Wonka’s Whipple Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight!

    豹豹和你一起试读The BFG(吹梦巨人) 5


    Sophie wanted to scream Don’t! But that would have been an even more certain death.

    Sophie saw his yellow teeth clamping together, a few inches from her head. Then there was utter darkness.

    Instead, she hit the soft folds of the BFG’s black cloak hanging against the wall.


    The BFG picked her up and held her tenderly in the palm of his hand. ‘Oh, I is so happy to be finding you all in one lump!’ he said.


    ‘I should like to find a way of disappearing them, every single one.’




        本文标题:豹豹和你一起试读The BFG(吹梦巨人) 5
