

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-08-29 18:29 被阅读0次



Claudia insisted on a fresh change of underwear every day. That was the way she had been brought up. She insisted for Jamie, too. No question about it; their laundry was becoming a problem.


insist on +n./ving 坚持某事


Saturday seemed a good day for housekeeping chores.


chore [tʃɔː(r)]家务琐事,一般是杂务让人不喜欢。注意发音。

与chore很接近的一个词chorus--合唱团n. 合唱v.

Claudia next suggested a real sit-down restaurant with tablecloths on the tables and waiters to serve you. Jamie said “NO” with such force that Claudia didn’t try to persuade him.



In the downstairs Art Room the librarian helped them find the books which Claudia selected from the card catalogue. She even brought them some others. Claudia liked that part. She always enjoyed being waited on.


From breakfast at the automat they went to laundry at the laundromat. They emptied their pockets of underwear and removed the layer of soiled socks. No one stared. Someone before them had probably done the same thing some time that week.


The Automat was a cafeteria with its prepared foods behind small glass windows and coin-operated slots.




The laundromat downstairs had been boarded up because it had been robbed two days before and the owner had painted on the wood YES WE’RE OPEN so as not to lose business.(出自芒果街)


At the door Claudia turned to Jamie and asked, “Can we . . .?”

Jamie didn’t let her finish, “No, dear Lady Claudia. We have not the funds for taxis, buses, or subways."


He extended his arm. Claudia placed her gloved fingertips on top of Jamie’s mittened ones.

gloved fingertips是指戴着手套的指头。

mittened ones 弟弟带着连指手套(露手指头那种)的手

Jamie hoped this would discourage Claudia, but it didn’t. She didn’t even seem to mind back-tracking up Fifth Avenue.


因为Claudia可是亲口说过第五大道的豪华店铺会让你忍不住花钱的。I’ll see too many ways to spend our precious money if we walk on Fifth Avenue.


Claudia showed the executive ability of a corporation president.



Chief Executive Officer 缩写CEO, (首席执行官),而另一个常见的COO是首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)

“Was he a juvenile delinquent? Maybe they do have his fingerprints on file.”

“No, silly,” Claudia said. “He was a hot-tempered genius. Did you know he was famous even when he was alive?”

“Is that so? I thought that artists don’t become famous until after they’re dead. Like mummies.”


a juvenile delinquent 固定表达,少年犯。复数直接最后一个词+s即可

hot-tempered adj.脾气火爆的,以前学过good-tempered和bad-tempered


pagan has nothing to do with that. It means worshipping idols instead of God.


Pagan: n. adj.

Pagan beliefs and activities do not belong to any of the main religions of the world and take nature and a belief in many gods as a basis. They are older, or are believed to be older, than other religions. 异教 (徒) 的


He leaned back and yawned; he was becoming bored with pictures of David and Moses and the Sistine Ceiling;


Claudia had no answer for Jamie’s logic.

Claudia’s impatience surfaced.

姐姐对于调查工作越来越不耐了,对于弟弟的提议也很烦躁。不过Jamie倒是说了一句实话I mean that we’re living with the statue. You know what they always say: The only two ways to get to know someone are to live with him or play cards with him."了解一个人,要么和他住一块,要么和他打打牌。"


They knew that since the museum opened late on Sunday, they would accumulate a lot of hunger before they got out. Their bulging pockets were now full of the staples of life: food and clothing.



If something such as a person's stomach bulges, it sticks out. 凸出; 鼓胀

staple: adj.

A staple food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important in people's everyday lives. (食物、产品或活动) 主要的, 基本的


A dustless floor meant that it had been cleaned very recently, and they stood less chance of being caught by a mop.


这一段摘出来纯粹是因为中文版本的翻译有点让人牙根疼,什么叫躲在不同的床上,和灰尘较少的床。明明是under the bed以及dustless floor 不过书总体翻译还是不错的,字眼也讲究。毕竟一昧是拿着别人的成品来说事有些吹毛求疵。

The hardest part was that every corpuscle of Jamie’s nine-year-old self was throbbing with readiness to run, and he had to bind up all that energy into a quiet lump. It was like trying to wrap a loose peck of potatoes into a neat four-cornered package. But he managed to freeze.



Corpuscles are red or white blood cells. (红或白) 血球, 血细胞(生词)


1. If someone is very willing to do something, you can talk about their readiness to do it. 愿意; 乐意

2.If you do something in readiness for a future event, you do it so that you are prepared for that event. 准备就绪; 以备


it was an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find again. (出自《了不起的盖茨比》)

Claudia never thought very hard about the plus-luck she had; she concentrated on the minus-luck.




Jamie extended his arm, which was draped with his striped flannel pajamas, and said, “Lady Claudia, I knew that sooner or later you would get me to that restaurant.”



It makes me furious to think that I must explain that restaurant to you, Saxonberg. I’m going to make you take me to lunch in there one day soon. I just this minute became determined to get you into the museum. You’ll see later how I’m going to do it....It is a joy to sit around that wonderful fountain and to snack petit fours and sip espresso coffee. I’ll bet that you’d even forget your blasted ulcer while you ate there.

早晚我会让你带我去那家餐厅吃饭的。在那吃点点心,喝点浓缩咖啡是一大享受。我保证你会忘了你的胃溃疡的。blasted 可恶的,ulcer是指溃疡(胃溃疡是the stomach ulcer,不大清楚是不是特指胃溃疡,毕竟是和吃饭对比,就沿用了中文版本的解释。)

petit fours(常用复数形式表达)

Petits fours are very small sweet cakes. They are sometimes served with coffee at the end of a meal. (和咖啡一起上的) 饭后小甜点, 花式小点心, 小茶点

“Someone very rich must have tossed in this quarter,” Jamie whispered.

“Someone very poor,” Claudia corrected. “Rich people have only penny wishes.”


But lying in bed just before going to sleep is the worst time for organized thinking; it is the best time for free thinking.


“When was the last time?”

“That day Dad dropped us off at Aunt Zell’s when he took Mom to the hospital to get Kevin.”...

Claudia thought. “I guess we were worried. Boy, had I known then that she was going to end up with Kevin, I would have known why we were worried. ..."







