豹豹和你一起试读The BFG(吹梦巨人) 1

豹豹和你一起试读The BFG(吹梦巨人) 1

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-08-04 18:21 被阅读17次


1.The Witching Hour


the time when witches are said to appear, usually twelve o'clock at night


A brilliant moonbeam was slanting through a gap in the curtains. It was shining right on to her pillow.

The other children in the dormitory had been asleep for hours.

Sophie closed her eyes and lay quite still. She tried very hard to doze off.


The moonbeam was like a silver blade slicing through the room on to her face.


No cars went by on the street. Not the tiniest sound could be heard anywhere. Sophie had never known such a silence.


There was nothing stirring; not the slightest sound anywhere. Even his own feet made no noise on the deep newly fallen snow.

The witching hour, somebody had once whispered to her, was a special moment in the middle of the night when every child and every grown-up was in a deep deep sleep, and all the dark things came out from hiding and had the world to themselves.这是对于巫暗时刻的解释,用来吓唬小朋友再好不过了,嘻嘻。

You got punished if you were caught out of bed after lights-out. Even if you said you had to go to the lavatory(上厕所),that was not accepted as an excuse and they punished you just the same.

even though and even if

We can use even though(not even although) to mean 'despite the fact that' and even if to mean'whether or not'

eg.Even if he doesn't speak Spanish, I think he should still visit Mardrid.(=Whether or not he speaks Spanish...)


She reached out(伸向) for her glasses that lay on the chair beside her bed. They had steel rims and very thick lenses, and she could hardly see a thing without them.



a whole army of Oompa-Loompas was clustering around it, oiling its joints and adjusting its knobs and polishing its great glass lens. (Mike TV进电视那一章)

She longed to duck underneath them(the curtains/drapes) and lean out of the window to see what the world looked like now that the witching hour was at hand.(即将到来)

long to do sth.渴望做某事,下文同样出现

The longing to look out became so strong she couldn’t resist it.


“I’m longing to see him,” said Peter, “even if I do feel frightened when it comes to the point.”

Across the road, she could see Mrs Rance’s shop, where you bought buttons and wool and bits of elastic.


Elastic means something (like a rubber band) is stretchy. 橡皮筋,松紧带有弹性的都可以用这个词 adj. n.

Sophie allowed her eye to travel further and further down the street.


2. Who?


It was four times as tall as the tallest human. It was so tall its head was higher than the upstairs windows of the houses.


twice as …as/three times as …as 与文中用法一致,这个在旺卡的工厂时也出现过

Good heavens, didn’t you know that? It’s about fifty times as big as any other!

Sophie opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out. Her throat, like her whole body, was frozen with fright.



Charlie was so frightened he felt himself shrinking inside his skin.

On and on it came, nearer and nearer. But it was moving in spurts. It would stop, then it would move on, then it would stop again.

it was moving in spurts是走走停停,后面进一步描述。

Looking at it carefully, she decided it /(朗读此处停顿)had to be some kind of PERSON. (句中若单词全部大写,是强调,并且朗读时重读)

In one hand he was holding what looked like a VERY LONG, THIN TRUMPET.





The Goocheys had a greengrocer’s shop in the middle of the High Street, and the family lived above the shop.

The +姓氏表示这一家人,比如The Beavers.就是指海狸一家

high street翻译是高街,因为是儿童作品影响不大。其实是指商铺较集中的街道(类似购物步行街)

[ C ] a street where the most important shops and businesses in a town are:

There's a new Italian restaurant opening on /in the high street.

It looked like a glass jar, one of those square ones with a screw top.



He gave her a little bottle of what looked like glass (but people said afterward that it was made of diamond) ...然后瓶子上的瓶塞用的是stopper

In the moonlight, Sophie caught a glimpse of an enormous long pale wrinkly face with the most enormous ears.


caught a glimsp of看了一眼,撇了一下(有偷偷之意)以前出现过。这个词组用的频率不算低。

For when they tried to look at Aslan’s face they just caught a glimpse of the golden mane and...

and the eyes were staring straight at Sophie.


下一章一样出现了巨人紧紧盯着索菲,The flashing black eyes were fixed on Sophie’s bed.

可怜的索菲吓坏了,蜷缩安静如鼠,而作者就这样留了个扣结尾了,哈哈。And there she crouched, still as a mouse, and tingling all over.




    本文标题:豹豹和你一起试读The BFG(吹梦巨人) 1
