

作者: Deer小鹿 | 来源:发表于2016-10-04 19:12 被阅读1771次

    What do recruiters look for in a resumé at first glance?


    When recruiters look through a stack of resumes for candidate screening, what is the vital information they focus on?


    Update 10/2015:For whatever reason, this answer has picked up a lot of traction. If you're a media outlet looking to post this in some way, please connect with me or Quora first, as it's marked "not for reproduction" to maintain some of its integrity. Responses to this answer over the last few years have been really fun, if not over-dramatic. My answer to this question was published last year onMashable, and as a result I got all types of feedback -- both negative and positive. Time has passed and I've changed some of my perspectives here and there or further explained the logic with more examples and practical application. It felt like a good time to update my answer to this question so I did! Thanks, friends. Carry on.


    I think this varies from recruiter to recruiter and also depends on the role for which you're applying. For one, I don't look through stacks of resumes anymore. I hate paper. I do everything online.


    There has been for many decades, some mysterious "wizard of oz" type viewpoint of the recruiting world that I think is somewhat misappropriated. People seem to be truly fascinated by what goes on behind the curtain, when in reality, recruiters aren't running the covert operation many think we do. Our world is a lot simpler than you think. "Does this candidate seem like they stand a chance of being a good match for this role? If yes, proceed to next step. If no, reject." Each recruiter is different, so there's no one way to answer this question. But I'll highlight briefly (actually, not so briefly) how I personally absorb a resume.  I should preface this by saying that currently I primarily recruit for senior-level software engineers. In my past life I recruited for PMs, MBAs, Finance, Sales, and pretty much all of it. Everything I'm about to say broadly applies to all of these fields. I also was a campus recruiter, and you read resumes of new grads a bit differently since experience is less meaty. So for non new grads, here's how it goes in my brain:


    Most recent role- I'm generally trying to figure out what this person's current status is, and why/if they might even be interested in a new role. Have they only been in their last position for 3 months? If so, probably not the best time for me to reach out, right? Unless they work for Zynga, or somewhere tragic like that (said with great respect for Farmville...the app that put Facebook apps on the map). If it's an incoming resume, I'm wondering why the candidate is looking now. Are they laid off? Did they get fired? Have they only been in their role for a few months and they're possibly hating it? But most importantly, is their most recent experience relevant to the position for which I'm hiring?


    Company recognition- Not even gonna lie. I am a company snob. Now don't get all Judgy Mcjudgerson about my judgy-ness. Hear me out. It's not even that I think certain companies are better than others (although some most certainly are). It's purely a matter of how quickly can I assign a frame of reference. This is also known as "credibility." Oh you worked at Amazon? Then you're probably accustomed to working on projects at scale. You're at a well known crash and burn start up? You have probably worn many hats and have been running at a sprinter's pace. There are some pretty blatant if/then associations I can make simply by recognizing a company name. Because recruiters have generally been doing this job for awhile, we notice patterns and trends among candidates from certain companies and we formulate assumptions as a result. There are edge cases and our assumptions can fail us, but again, this is a resume review -- we're talking a less than 20-second analysis. Assigning frame of reference is often more difficult to do when a candidate has only worked for obscure companies I've never heard of. When I can't assign company recognition, it just means I have to read the resume a little deeper, which usually isn't an issue, unless it's poorly formatted, poorly written, uninformative and wrought with spelling errors, in which case...you might have lost my interest. See? That's tragic. Keep it tight, folks.


    Overall experience- Is there a career progression? Does the person have increasing levels of responsibility? Do the titles make sense? (You're a VP of Marketing for a 5 person company? Heck, I would be too.) Do the responsibilities listed therein match what I'm looking for?


    Keyword search- Does the person have the specific experience for the role I'm hiring for? There have been times when I command + F the crap out of resumes. Especially the long ones that are hard to follow. This isn't fool proof, but if I'm looking for an iOS Engineer, for example, and the words "iOS" or "Objective-C" don't even make a cameo appearance in someone's resume, I have to furrow my brow, read a little deeper and figure out what the heck is going on. Throughout my career supporting hiring for different profiles, I've done this on many occasions searching for things like Ruby on Rails, Mule, Javascript, and seriously, anything you can think of. Now if you're thinking you should "key word" it up on your resume, think again. Keep it authentic. And don't you dare think of putting your resume on the Internet and imbedding 250 completely irrelevant to your skill set key words at the bottom in 5pt white text so no one can see. I'm on to you. But I do think you should be vigilant to ensure that the actual important key words contained in the meat of your experience are represented on your resume.

    关键词搜索。应聘者在我所招职位上是否有具体经验?我已经多次要求废了那些废话连篇的简历,特别是那些又长又难吸引人的。不是他们不会证明自己,而是举个例子,如果我寻找的是ios工程师,他们的简历中没有突出“ios”或者“扩充C语言”这样的字眼,我就不得不皱起眉头,再稍加深入的阅读。搜索不同的简历贯穿了我的整个职业生涯,我已经多次搜索Ruby on Rails, Mule, Javascript,以及所有你能想象的关键字。读到这里,你肯定在想着突出你简历中的关键字了吧,赶紧认真想想,关键字要真实。不要把你的简历放上网,还要在最后插入一些与你的技能关键词毫无关联的东西,文本那么长,没有人看到的,我是为你好。但是,我也坚持认为你应该确保你经历中的实际重要关键词能够显示在你的简历中。

    Gaps- I don't mind gaps so long as there's a sufficient explanation. Oh you took 3 years off to raise your children? Fine by me, and might I add: #respect. You tried your hand at starting your own company and failed miserably? Very impressive! Gap sufficiently explained. Whatever it is, just say it. It's the absence of an explanation that sometimes makes me wonder. Still, I understand that sometimes people feel uncomfortable sharing certain things in a professional context. If you had a gap, surely you were busy doing something during that time, right? Get creatively honest and just name that period of your life in a way that shows you acknowledge that it might raise an eyebrow.


    Personal online footprint-- This is not required.  But if you have an online footprint, and you've bothered to include it in your resume, I'm gonna click. This includes personal domains, Quora profiles, Twitter handles, GitHub contributions, Dribbble accounts, or anything a candidate has chosen to list. Two out of three times, I almost always click through to a candidate's website or twitter account. It's one of my favorite parts of recruiting. You never know what you're gonna get.


    General logistics-- Location, Eligibility to work in the US -- I try to make some raw guesses here, but this is not a place of weeding someone out, more just trying to figure out their story.


    Overall organization-- This includes spelling, grammar, ease of use, ability to clearly present ideas. If you're in marketing and you've lost me in the first three bullets, I have concerns.


    Total time it takes me to do all of above: < 25 seconds*


    Note: I will likely later read the resume far more in depth, but only if I already know I like the candidate. It takes me way less than a minute to fully digest a resume and flag that person for follow up. I read a resume pretty thoroughly once I know I will be speaking to that person on the phone or reaching out via email. But I will not thoroughly read a resume of someone who did not pass the above categories. Maybe that makes me a heartless corporate recruiter, but I'm just keeping it real, folks. Recruiters move quickly. I'm trying to remove the barrier for people who might struggle with getting their resume properly acknowledged.


    Things I rarely pay as much attention to:


    Education --Believe it or not, this is more an after thought for me in a resume and certainly not the most relevant element by a long shot. There have been times in my career where I could go a month reviewing hundreds of resumes and not recall looking at that section evenonce.Peeps, our college career center counselors lied to us. However, I will say that as a university recruiter, I almost always looked at education first. But that's because experience is often lacking with new graduates. But if you are not a new graduate, experience is king, my friends. I can think of a few exceptions where perhaps a hiring manager wanted a certain pedigree (Wharton or HBS MBA, for example), but even that's being de-prioritized less and less I find. I will also add that this changes drastically by industry and company. I currently work in tech, but I've also worked in management consulting and education is huge in consulting. I'll also add that some tech companies care more about education than others -- for example, Facebook definitely more heavily favors engineering candidates who have demonstrated core CS fundamentals by obtaining a computer science degree. Some recruiters even narrow the field and look for candidates with computer science degrees from top 25 schools. Even still, Facebook employs many engineers who never finished college. Experience rules the school.


    Fancy Formatting-- There are exceptions here. I say this with the caveat that I LOVE a creatively formatted resume. LOVE. However, no amount of fancy formatting is going to make up for a lack of experience. So reign it in. Also, it's important to keep in mind that if you're applying to a position online, whether it's a PDF or not, many companies' applicant tracking systems parse your resume for information and convert it to pure text as the most immediate viewing format. Recruiters don't often see how awesome your resume is. The original file is usually there for us, but many recruiters aren't clicking through to that. If you're going to do something fun with your resume, I recommend keeping it PDF and also be sure it converts to text fairly cleanly so it doesn't come through our system looking wonky. Or just email it to an actual person.


    Uncomfortably personal details-- In Europe for example, I've noted that it's very common to list things like family status, citizenship, and sometimes even weight and height on CVs. Often it's common to even include a photo. The US is a bit different, and by different I meanvery litigious.Many employersare trying to avoid any type of discrimination, so often seeing that stuff on a resume can make recruiters feel uncomfortable. We just want to know about things that pertain to your work history. So please take your photo off your resume. If we want to see what you look like, recruiters can just stalk you on LinkedIn.


    Cover letters-- There is a debate on this, but I'm sorry, I don't read cover letters. I want to see the resume. Most of my recruiting colleagues agree, but I know there are still recruiters that do love and value cover letters. I find that a lot of candidates don't even send them anymore (Hallelujah). Cover letters are sort of a throwback to a different era - an era where you actually sent your resume snail mail. If you're going to send one, that puppy better be darn good. I'm of the mind that most companies that request cover letters only do so to weed out the people who haven't bothered to read the directions. But if you're in marketing or sales, etc., I can see the cover letter as a strong component of someone's potential candidacy. But seriously...ugh with cover letters.


    Things I wish more people would do:


    Bring personality into the resume-- We recruiters are staring at these missives all day long. Throw a joke in there somewhere for goodness' sake. Very few of us are curing cancer. We should lighten up a bit. Know your industry, of course. An easter egg buried in a resume may not go over well if you're in a very buttoned up industry. I think it's important to keep the work experience details as professional as possible, but trust me, there are ways to have fun with it. I love an easter egg buried in a resume. And I absolutely LIVE for creatively written LinkedIn profiles. For example,this guyis boss. I have emailed his LinkedIn profile around to dozens of friends and co-workers over the years. It's that epic. So well done and tells a great story. Best read starting from the very bottom and working your way up to the top. But he knows his industry. Probably not a good play to talk about marijuana in your LinkedIn profile if you're gunning for Director of Communications for Bank of America.


    Include URLs for online footprints-- Nuff said. And within your comfortability of course. I get it. We've overshared our way to a more private society, but if you're looking to stand out, write some stuff on the Internet. Contribute to open source repositories. Demonstrate some level of domain expertise/interest outside of your 9-5.


    List key personal projects-- I ask this in almost every phone interview I do. "What kind of stuff are you working on in your free time?" I am always inspired by this. Also shows me that you have passion for your industry.


    Things I wish people would stop doing:


    Using MS Word's resume templates-- Period. Oh my gosh. Please, let's kill them all. Especially that one with the double horizontal lines above and beneath the candidate name.


    Writing resumes in first person-- Exceptions made for people who do it cleverly. If no one has ever told you you're clever, then you're probably not that clever. Don't do it. It reads oddly.


    Allowing their resume to be a ridiculous number of pages-- Unless you are a tenured college professor nobel laureate with multiple published works, you do not need an 8+ page resume. That is not impressive; that is obnoxious. Also, I do not care that you worked at Burger King in 1988. I mean, good for you, but no; not relevant.


    Mixing up first person and third person or present tense and past tense-- Pick a voice, pick a tense, and then stick with it. I suggest third person and past tense. If I were you, I'd eliminate pronouns (e.g. My, I, She, He) from your resume altogether. Instead of writing "I helped increase overall sales by 300% by breeding rabbits in my garage," Simply eliminate the "I" in that sentence. So, "Helped increase overall sales...blah blah blah." Go through your resume and remove all the pronouns and rewrite the sentence to make it sound like a bullet point. By "past tense" I mean that your resume should always be voiced from the perspective of something you already did -- not something you're currently doing. So even if you're in your current position, you should still list those accomplishments in the past tense.


    Listing an objective at the top of the resume-- Dude, seriously? This isn't 1992.


    Mailing, faxing, or hand-delivering paper resumes-- Immediate disqualification. Do not pass go. Go straight to jail. While I have your attention though, let's camp out on that last point for a moment: Hand-delivering paper resumes. Look, I get it. People are trying to stand out. It can be tough out there. And I completely respect the hustle. But in 2015, HR professionals are swamped, anxious, and jumpy. When a random stranger shows up unannounced asking to speak to someone in HR or recruiting, we're wondering if you have a gun and a vendetta, and we've probably alerted security. Seriously. It's really creepy. It's also not really how the corporate world works any more, and oftentimes it can place an undue burden on people to rearrange their schedule to make time to talk to you...which makes them grumpy...which doesn't exactly put you in a good spot as a potential candidate. So seriously, folks. Think long and hard before you decide to randomly show up at a company's headquarters with your resume. It might have a huge pay off, but it probably won't.


    Sending resumes addressed to the CEO that end up on some random recruiter's desk unopened- This is a gross generalization here and exceptions are made for smaller companies, but um, CEOs don't often read resumes -- not the first pass. Also see above re: paper resumes. P.S. We sometimes laugh at people who do this. (All of the above does not apply if you'reTristan Walkeror exude ridiculous amounts of awesomeness)

    直接寄简历给老板,最后的结果就是被随便扔到招聘人员的桌上,根本不会打开的。这里我说的是普遍情况,小公司除外。但是老板们通常不读简历——毕竟不是第一次。有关纸质简历请再次参考以上内容。附言:我们有时候会嘲笑这么做的人(如果你是Tristan Walker或者浑身散发着令人令人敬畏的气息,以上所有都不适用。)

    Exaggerating titles and responsibilities-- Eventually the truth comes out.


    There you have it. Thirty seconds in the brain of one lowly recruiter. I hope this helps make someone better or more effective in their job search. If you take issue with anything I've said here, you're well within your right. Recruiters are paid to be judgmental sharp shooters. We fail often and we miss out on really good candidates. This is one recruiter's opinion. I am nothing if not honest.

    Happy hunting.







