译文: North Korea has fired a missile over Japan, escalating tensions again on the Korean peninsula after the UN Security Council imposed tough sanctions on Pyongyang.
中文先说时间;而英文中先把主句抛出来,然后用escalating 这个ing 形式把主句达到的结果表达出来,最后才把时间加上。在英文中,时间状语除非特别强调,一般都是不太重要的信息,所以基本放在最后。
South Korea on Friday signalled it would stop seeking talks with North Korea after the reclusive regime fired its latest ballistic missile over Japan.
这个句子做了同样的处理。要注意的是句中“表示”的译法,signal 。这个词语我们认识的意思是“信号”,做名词;这里是当做动词来用的。可以说“表示的很明显”的意味。
截图自有道词典“在这种情形下,对话是不可能的,”文在寅对国家安全委员会(National Security Council)表示。他推翻了自己长期以来寻求对朝接触的立场。
译文:“Dialogue is impossible in a situation like this,” Mr Moon told the National Security Council, in a reversal of his long-held stance of seeking to engage with Pyongyang.
译文:The missile was the second launch over Japan in as many months and came two days after Pyongyang had threatened to destroy the country with nuclear weapons and turn the US into “ashes and darkness”.
这个句子英汉处理的都比较巧妙,汉语是:试射导弹两天前,朝鲜扬言怎样;英语把两两件事情用一个two days after 连接起来,看起来节奏更紧凑。
译文:Less than 10 minutes after the test, Seoul fired two short-range ballistic missiles 250km into waters off its east coast in a simulated attack on the North’s weapons facilities.
汉语中的“以模拟。。。”目的状语,在英语中译作 in a simulated。。。 ,也是很棒的处理方式。
设施:facility, equipment 通常是指实验器材。
Off :离开,脱落,远离。
Off its east coast :距离其东海岸。
译文: Mr Moon warned North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that “we have the power to destroy North Korea and make it unable to recover”.
The rhetoric signals a tougher approach from the South Korean leader, whose policy of engagement and dialogue with North Korea has raised eyebrows in Japan and the US.
Signal 这里又当做动词来使用。
Raise eyebrows :字面意思扬起眉毛,引申为使人不满。(怒目圆睁,眉毛可不是挑起来了嘛。)
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